When did I get a boyfriend exactly? {Logicality}

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Fluff; Human AU; No warnings; 1847 words


Patton and Logan's relationship was as easy as breathing; Easier, actually. From the very start, they were practically best friends, and before they knew it, literally, they were more. If you've got a few minutes, i'll tell you the story, so take a seat, and lets begin.


From the moment Logan met Patton, the bubblier of the two was extremely affectionate, but that was simply how he was. Logan had been warned that the other was extremely clingy, which he definitely didn't mind, since he loved contact. He wouldn't tell anyone that though.


Roman opened the door, calling out to his roommate, having finally planed to introduce Patton to Logan. "Patton come on! We're going to be late!" With a sigh, he crossed his arms, and rested himself in the doorway.

Roman received a giggle from the bubbly man. "Give me a sec Ro!" He called happily appearing mere moments after. He was wearing his normal apparel, and had his grey cardigan draped across his shoulders.

Roman smiled, exiting the doorway, and starting down the hall. "What took you so long, anyways?" He waited patiently for the other to lock the door, tapping his foot. He looked pretty impatient.

Patton giggled again, finally done locking the door, and skipped to Romans side. They begun walking again, and he happily answered. "Just cleaning up, you know, I hate when the living room is a mess."

Roman huffed, though playfully. " Oh come on, I didn't leave it that messy." They continued talking on the way to the park. Patton had been wanting to meet his roommates friend for awhile, since his best friend Virgil also knew Logan. They had been setting up the meeting for awhile.

When they finally got there, Virgil, who was sat against the tree next to Logan, phone in hand, waved them over. Patton immediately skipped over to the two, smiling wider when he got a glance at Logan. He seemed nice enough.

Logan stood, expecting a handshake, and being met with a side hug, and a grin. Logan didn't pull away from the contact, enjoying the hug, and not wanting to hurt the males feelings. Though, Roman and Virgil only thought he didn't want to hurt Patton's feelings.

No one questioned the hugs, despite Patton being slightly more affectionate with Logan compared to the others. That was simply how Patton was, and that's what the others reminded themselves of.


Slowly, hugs became kisses. When Patton would greet Logan, or leave, he would kiss Logan's cheek, or forehead. It came naturally. One day he greeted Logan with a hug, and the next, he pecked him on the cheek.


"Logi! I didn't know you were joining us for movie night! I thought you had work." Patton stepped to the side, letting Logan in. At this point he had known Logan for a few months.

"Actually, I have the day off, and nothing better to do. That is of course, if you'll allow me to join you three." He stepped in, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Patton clapped his hands excitedly, closing the door behind Logan. "Of course you can!" leaning forward slightly, and standing on his tip-toes, he kissed Logan's cheek before skipping into the living room. "Guess who's here!" The other two jumped, and Patton settled on the couch.

Roman and Virgil were cuddling on the floor, they had been dating for awhile, so Patton and Logan had the entire couch. Logan hadn't questioned the kiss, despite that being the first time, and it coming from nowhere, and Patton didn't think twice about the action.

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