Christmas kisses {Logicality}

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Fluff; Human AU; No warnings; 985 words


Christmas was Logan's favorite time of year, for one reason in particular. Patton. Patton adored the holiday, and when Patton adored something, Logan couldn't help but adore it too. His favorite part about the holiday was the mistletoe though, and how many times Patton would trap him under it, or visa versa.

Light cascaded into the room, via a window beside their bed. Logan shifted, the light waking him from his dream state, and pulled a still sleeping Patton closer to him. He forced his eyes open after a few long moments of reveling in the warmth and comfort from his boyfriend's embrace, admiring the other.

Patton's hair covered half of his face, gently being blown up and down with each soft breath that left his lips. They were curved upwards into a smile, showing the good dream Patton was most definitely having. Logan brushed Patton's hair back to place a soft kiss on the sleeping figures forehead. This broke Patton from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open, as he offered Logan a soft smile, which was immediately returned.

Patton's eyes lingered on Logan, before dancing playfully between his boyfriend, whom loomed over him, and to the mistletoe Patton had hung above their bed. "Mistletoe, you owe me a kiss." Patton grinned sleepily up at Logan, receiving a playful eye roll. Their lips connected in a soft, groggy kiss, that helped to wake them both up.

"There, now come. We need to go get breakfast."


That was simply the start of Patton's endless antics to claim yet another kiss from Logan, not that he would dare complain about it. After-all, that was why he eagerly awaited December, when Patton would finally hang the mistletoe. He savored every playful peck, Patton's sparking eyes and beaming grin, and the look of accomplishment Patton would have after every kiss. One year, Patton had even begun to keep tally.

Logan walked into the kitchen, or, attempted to. He was blocked by his boyfriend, leaning in the doorway, a book in hand. Before Patton could even speak, Logan's eyes jumped to the mistletoe that hung above them, and leaned down to kiss Patton. When he pulled away, he was met by Patton's ecstatic grin, and sparking eyes.

"Your book is upside down. I do hope you haven't been waiting here too long for my arrival." Logan entered the kitchen to grab himself a cup of coffee with a half smug smile. Patton sputtered, glancing down to confirm Logan's comment, and he hurriedly closed it.

"Just a couple minutes." He giggled, blushing slightly from his mistake. He joined Logan in the kitchen, wrapping his arm around the other from behind. "Do you wanna bake cookies with me?!"


It went on like normal, Patton would find some increasingly complicated way to be right under the mistletoe as Logan passed. This year was special though, this year Patton had a wonderful idea, and it pertained to the mistletoe they both loved so much.

"Have you seen patt? I've been looking for him, yet he hasn't been anywhere I've searched." Roman looked up when Logan addressed him, smiling. Patton had asked for Romans assistance with a plan he had, and Roman was more than willing when he found out what the bubbly boys intentions are. Logan looked at him expectantly.

"I do indeed, nerd! He's outside." Logan's gaze shifted to the front door, and back at Roman with a semi worried expression. Patton could easily get sick in this weather. With a quiet 'thank you', Logan grabbed his winter coat, adorned it, and exited the house.

Seated on the top porch step was Patton, playing with something in his hand, but Logan couldn't see what exactly it was. Logan closed the door gently behind him, alerting Patton to his presence. His boyfriend turned to look at him with a bright smile, shoving the object in his jacket pocket. "Logi! Come sit down!" He quickly patted the spot besides him.

A small, soft smile spread on his lips at Patton's excitement, and he situated himself on the step. "What are you doing out here in this weather?" The wind was blowing, and snowflakes danced to the ground in spirals and flurries. "You could catch a cold."

Patton giggled, resting his head on the teacher's shoulder. "I'll be fine, Logi. There's a reason I was waiting out here though." He looked up at the now confused Logan, smiling brightly, a gleam of love in his eye. He silently pointed above them to the mistletoe they were now seated under, giggling again at the playful sigh of annoyance.

"You're sitting in the freezing cold for a kiss?" Logan raised a brow, watching amused as Patton nodded excitedly. "Well, I hate to break tradition." Logan connected their lips the sweetest, most loving kiss they had shared all day. He couldn't help the dorky grin on his face after Patton pulled away.

"One more thing!" Patton grabbed Logan's hand before he could get up. "Just, stay right there." He stood up, smiling nervously at Logan's bemusement.

He removed the object he had been toying with from his pocket, dropping to one knee in front of Logan. The ring box was a dark navy blue, containing a sapphire wedding ring. "Logan." He started slowly, watching as confusion melted into surprise, then awe, then happiness. Pure happiness, causing tears to prick Logan's eyes washed over Logan's face. Patton could feel his heart beating out of his chest at the joy. "We've shared hundreds of warm kisses, soft words, irreplaceable moments, and I wouldn't dream of my future without you. There is one thing I would change about you though, and that's your last name. Will you give me the honor of calling you my fiance, and soon to be husband?"

Logan pulled Patton into another kiss, and if someone asks, it was just because of the mistletoe.  


Hello everybody. 

Sorry about the missing post on Saturday, something came up and I don't want to get into the details. Better late then never though, right? I'll still be posting tomorrow, so no worries there.

I know another Christmas shot probably isn't exactly what y'all want, but it's what I have in my drafts, so-

I hope you enjoyed.


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