Breakfast {Moxiety} (Valentine's Day)

59 7 2

Hurt/Comfort; No Au; The beginnings of a panic attack, bad thoughts, crying, hyperventilating; 647 words


Virgil rubbed his eyes tiredly, curling into the figure besides him. He could feel the warmth still radiating off of his boyfriend, who luckily enough, was still fast asleep, a peaceful smile on his face. Patton looked perfectly content, a small bit of drool pooling on the pillow, and his hair all types of messy.

With a still groggy and tired chuckle, Virgil planted a kiss on the sleeping traits forehead, watching as his face scrunched, and his smile widened slightly. The sun streaming in the window alerted him to how little time he still had to make Patton breakfast, as the first part of his plans for their first Valentine's day together.

He pulled himself from Patton's loving embrace, being as careful as possible to not wake him, and got out of bed, despite really not wanting to. He knew Roman and Logan had plans for the day, so he and Patton would have the mindspace to themselves. Sneaking down the stairs quietly, he headed immediately for the kitchen.

The old coffee was still in the pot, presumably from Roman and Logan's breakfast, and he located a sticky note on the fridge;

Out of chocolate chip pancake mix


Virgil mentally cursed. He would need to either make some from scratch, or make Patton something different. He grabbed the eggs from the fridge, along with butter, milk, bacon, and hashbrowns.

Laying them all on the counter, he got to work.


Almost instantly, Virgil had regretted this decision. The eggs were burnt, and the bacon. Somehow, the sausage and hashbrowns had come out edible, but barely. How a simple breakfast resulted in this chaos, he didn't know, but he had ruined Valentine's day, or that's what he told himself at least.

As the distant sound of footsteps broke through the thoughts, he was sent into a panic. He couldn't let Patton see this, how he ruined breakfast, how he couldn't do such a simple task, on such an important day.

He attempted to gather everything up, trying to throw away the mess of what was once food before Patton got downstairs, but he heard a soft murmur from the doorway.

"Sweetheart...?" Patton asked, confusion, and left over sleepiness lacing his voice. Virgil turned to face him, tears slipping silently down his cheeks. He had a pan and fork in hand, having been in the middle of scraping burnt eggs into the trash.

Patton was no longer very tired, worry replacing his grogginess. "Virgil, sweetheart, let me help clean up." Said male only shook his head, continuing to cry, letting out incoherent mumbles, as he struggled to control his breathing.

Patton was ever patient, looking on at what Virgil considered a disaster with a reassuring, but worried smile. "No? Why not?" Patton asked softly, slowly, and cautiously approaching his boyfriend. All he heard was 'Failure' and 'Mess up', before he was pulling the pan from Virgil's now shaking hands, and setting it down.

He pulled Virgil into a tight hug, rubbing his back soothingly. "You are not a failure, or a mess up." His voice stayed soft, but had a father like stern tone to it, wanting to reassure Virgil, but make his point.

Having calmed a bit from the hug, Virgil finally managed to speak. "B-but I...I c-could-couldn't e-even make, make y-you, b...breakfast." It was punctuated with sobs, and a mess of stutters, but Patton understood perfectly.

Patton pulled back a bit, cupping Virgil's face in his hands, who in turn nuzzled into the touch, sobs slowing a bit more. "But you tried, didn't you?" He ran his thumb over Virgil's cheek lovingly. "And the fact you tried is enough for me. Why don't I help you clean up, and we can cook breakfast together?" His voice had an edge of excitement to it.

Virgil smiled weakly, and nodded. Through sniffles, he mumbled, "That would be nice."


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