My perfect Christmas {Logince}

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Fluff; Human AU; Brief mentions of drinking; 2517 words


The delicious mix of hot cocoa and peppermint filled the air of the cozy, but far from small apartment, and the blizzard outside wasn't letting up. It wouldn't be any time soon, yet roman was ever confident that his and Logan's friends would be joining them for their first Christmas party as roommates. Luckily, they were both warm inside, while the storm raged on.

Clattering could be heard by Roman, as the other, more logical man did who knows what in the kitchen. He had a clue as to what Logan was doing though, and he continued decorating while he waited to be proven right. Under his breath, Roman hummed with the Christmas music that was blasting, despite Logan's grumbling comments of disapproval.

As he hung the final ornament on their very real, and very large Christmas tree, Logan came into the living room with a silver tray in hand. There was a plate of cookies Patton had brought over a day or two ago, and two cups of hot cocoa, made perfectly to both Logan's and his taste. "Are you done with the tree yet?"

Roman turned to Logan with a shocked expression, earning a confused one in return. "Take a look at that tree, and tell me if you think it's done." The tree was missing one detail, but a big, and insanely important one. The tree had no star, and no angel. It didn't have a tree topper at all, yet. Logan's eyes scanned the tree while roman sat on the couch and grabbed his warm drink, ample reward for decorating almost the entire tree by himself.

After a moment of pure stupidity, by Roman's standards anyways, Logan finally realized his mistake. "Oh, the topper." He picked up his own drink, taking a sip of the almost too sweet liquid, that was luckily balanced with the peppermint candy cane that stuck out, in place of a stirring stick.

"Yes the topper! I think you should do it, since you didn't notice it was missing, and I did the rest of the tree." Logan's face morphed to one of pure horror at the prospect, which caused Roman to grin. "What?" Innocence laced his voice. "Don't like that idea?" Now, what he was suggesting might not be a problem with most people, quite the opposite, actually. Most adore putting the topper on, but Logan had a very good reason he didn't, and the other knew this, from the Christmas' before they decided to save money, and become roommates.

"Roman-" He was cut off by the other.

"Nope, you do the topper. It's only fair." The male in question crossed his arms, grinning more with pure delight at Logan's exasperated sigh. He watched as Logan stood, revealing the reason he was so against topping the tree. Unlike roman, who stood at a not too surprising 5'11, Logan stood at an adorable, and rather surprising 5'4.

"If you're going to make me do the topper, at least go grab me a step stool." As much as he complained about Romans near endless teasing, he truly didn't mind. Roman never took it too far, and always listened if Logan told him one of this jokes actually hurt his feelings, when he would admit to having feelings that is.

"Nope, better idea!" Roman basically jumped up from his spot, after setting his drink down safely on the table. His hazel eyes filled with an unmistakable mischievous gleam, and Logan's chocolate brown ones widened in anticipation to Romans idea. Before he could fully comprehend anything, Romans hands were on his hips, lifting him up.

He had just enough time, after squeaking with surprise, to grab the tree topper before he was brought too high to reach it. "Roman!" A bright blush coated his cheeks, and he quickly set the topper in place, hoping that would mean the idiot would set him down. It wasn't that he was bothered by the contact, or the placements of Romans hands, it was the fact he wasn't. He had a small, falsehood, a huge crush on the man.

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