Valengram {Analogical} (Valentines day)

77 9 7

Fluff; Highschool/human Au; No warnings; 946 words


Logan relished in the sound of his paper crinkling, heavily preferring it over the normal chaos of the lunchroom. He always escaped to the library when he ate. Quiet, dark, always smelling of ink and paper, absolutely perfect, in his opinion anyways.

Of course one of his friends, the one that always insisted on joining him, 'saving' him from the boredom of his books, didn't like it nearly as much as himself.

Logan flinched at the clatter of a lunch tray, and the annoyingly boisterous sound of Roman's voice. "God Logan, get your nose out of that book for once, we've got more important things going on that that!" He received an unimpressed glance from said nerd, to which he simply crossed his arms.

"What could possibly be so important?" Logan asked, deciding to comply, and mark his page, before setting his freshly closed book to the side. He suspected the answer, since Valentine's day was inching closer, and Logan had yet to make a move on his long term crush. It still felt so strange to think of Virgil as that, as anything more than his friend.

Roman raised a brow. "Like you don't know. How are you going to ask the emo out?!"

"I'm not." Logan almost laughed at the pure horror that crossed Roman's features. Picking up his fork, he begun playing with his food as he delved into an explanation. "It is highly unlikely he likes me back, neither of us are very romantic people, and love is frankly...a waste of time."

Roman's jaw dropped, literally. "Of course he does, that's why you have me." He looked Logan in the eyes, narrowing his own. "And how dare? Love is not a waste of time!"


"No. This is happening, and I have the perfect plan." Roman produced a folded piece of paper from seemingly thin air.

"Roman, no-"

"Roman yes."


Logan fidgeted with his tie, still confused how Roman had convinced him this was a good idea. He was standing just outside of Virgil's class door, a purple rose in hand, listening as the school's choir, or as they referred to themselves, 'glee club', delivered his valengram to Virgil.

He was waiting for his cue, the beginning of the music, after they addressed the class.

Romans plan had entailed selecting a song, a list of which he was so generous to provide, though Logan had vetoed them all. Either they were much too romantic, or he knew Virgil would hate them. Then, Roman had made him buy Virgil a valengram, which he was okay with; He planned on doing so before this, but instead of it being anonymous, Roman had insisted he actually participate, which though he dreaded, he had been talked into.

That wasn't the end though, no, he had gone the extra step to buy Virgil a single rose, unprompted by Roman. This was his chance to ask Virgil out, he couldn't back down now.

Taking a deep breath, he heard his cue; "This is dedicated to a very special someone, from Logan Stone." He heard an array of gasps, rolling his eyes, and watched his hands shake as the music begun to play.

Pushing the door open, he tucked the rose behind his ear, and entered just on time to sing the first line.

"I hate Shakespeare and Gosling, and cakes with white frosting." Logan sang, though the very first part was a lie, this was the only song he thought would work for this. His voice came out smooth, and didn't sound monotone at all, unlike his classmates, at least those he weren't close with, were used too.

"Two names in a heart shaped tattoo-" His eyes immediately landed on the dumbfounded Virgil, who was staring at Logan in pure shock, and he didn't blame him, this was rather out of character. The rest of the class was equally as confused and surprised.

"I think cupid is stupid and violets are purple, not blue." Pushing his glasses up, he smiled slightly at the fact he could hear faint whispers over the song choice.

He walked from by the door, where he had been lingering, to in front of the choir, facing the class, eyes still glued to Virgil, who seemed not to notice.

He continued the song, growing more, and more confident as the seconds ticked by. "I hate catching bouquets, the honeymoon stage, and letterman jackets don't fit."

Slowly, he began to walk up the middle aisle of the desks. "Your eyes can't hold stars, and you'd die if your heart really skipped." Virgil rolled his eyes a bit. This sounded like something Logan would genuinely say.

Virgil was still staring, now over the shock, and just anxiously waiting to see who Logan was actually singing this for. Whoever it was, must have meant a lot to him, and if he was being honest, he approved of the song choice.

"I hate love songs." He turned to the right, in Virgil's direction, when he reached the back row. "Yeah, I really do." He walked slower now, retrieving the purple rose from behind his ear.

Virgil was twice as anxious now, and he swore to himself he would flip if Logan stopped a seat or two before his. "I hate love songs." Logan sung, a bit louder now, a smile playing on his lips.

Virgil blushed as Logan stopped directly in front of him, holding the rose out with a shaking hand. "But I love you." The music came to a stop, and Logan looked away, his nerves getting the better of him.

He felt Virgil pluck the rose from his hand, and with a smirk, respond.

"I love you too."


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