A waist of time {Logince} (Valentine's Day)

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Fluff; No Au; No warnings; 2076 words


Three quick knocks came at Logan's door, interrupting him in the middle of what he deemed to be very important work. All work, is important work. With a sigh, he shoved aside a stack of paper filled to the brim with neat notes pertaining to the latest video Thomas had been working on. The knocks could be heard again, as Logan tucked his pencil behind his ear and stood, pushing his wheeled office chair back in the process, leaving those terribly annoying streak marks in his once immaculate carpet.

He noted to fix it later, and at the third round of the knocking, called out to the visitor. "Patience is a virtue, give me a moment." He preceded to tidy the rest of his work space, solely to make the male wait just a bit longer, and took his sweet time walking to the door, and opening it. "Now, what did you need?" He asked, raising a brow for emphasis.

Roman scoffed. "It took you long enough, I had a question for you all of us are dying to know the answer to!" Throwing his hands up for a moment, he settled himself, deciding being too dramatic might not work in his favor.

"Well, what's the question, I do not have all day." He insisted, throwing longing glances at the work he could be accomplishing with this precious time he was wasting with the prince. Perhaps wasting wasn't the proper word though; Every moment with Princey was very, very special, but he had no time to dwell on his thoughts, or that fact.

"Patton and Virgil employed me to ask if you had a Valentine this year!" Not having expected that in the very least as the so very important question Roman had deemed worthy of in interruption, it took Logan a moment to respond. Roman tapped his foot impatiently, his restlessness growing with every passing second.

Finally snapping from his surprise, Logan quickly shook his head. "No, of course not. Valentine's day is a waste of time, and money. I'd much rather work." He turned to re-enter his room, but Romans rough yet gentle hand, wrapped itself around his wrist. The touch shocked him, and he turned back to Roman, a blush scattering itself across his cheeks.

"C'mon nerd! Valentine's day is not a waste of time, you just haven't celebrated it properly." Roman exclaimed, tugging Logan, gently, back to the doorway. He got much too close for Logan's liking, and caused the logical trait's breath the hitch. "Tell you what, let's make a deal."

"I really don't think this is necessary-"

"You let me be your valentine, and try to prove it's not a waste of time. If I win... you have to admit you were wrong, and start celebrating the holiday with us, and if you win, you can choose your prize." That caught Logan's interest, not only did he get to be prince charming's valentine, it was a competition. He loved competitions, and had never turned one down, as pointless as they were. There were too many pros in this situation.

Logan shook his wrist from Romans grasp, though he didn't exactly want to. "I," He pushed his glasses up needlessly, pausing to feign thought on the subject. "Suppose a challenge is always enjoyable, especially those I know you will lose, so sure, why not?" Roman scoffed, but was excited Logan had agreed.

"Perfect, i'll see you tomorrow." Logan took a deep breath at Roman's words, and shut the door. How bad can this go? Very; Very bad is the answer, but Logan didn't want to admit that.


The scent of freshly picked roses lingered in the air, along with a hint of jasmine and lemon. Logan was slowly roused from his sleep by the fragrance, and he sat up, his navy blue satin sheets pooling around him. Not only had he slept wonderfully, waking up to such a heavenly mix was rather pleasant, and very relaxing.

Sander sides one shots {1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora