Logan's secret {Analogical}

127 7 2

Fluff; Human, Roommates Au; 1 cuss word; 1210 words


Logan ran his hand down the railing as he walked down the stairs, glancing from side to side, searching. He had to make absolutely sure that no one was home, and based on the other's schedule, they shouldn't be. As well as he got along with his roommates, privacy wasn't exactly a priority when you lived with three other males.

As far as Logan knew, Patton and Roman should be at work, and Virgil had plans to go to the park, which would mean he had the house to himself for at least a few hours, which was rather rare.

"Patton? Roman? Virgil?" Logan called cautiously, poking his head into the kitchen, the then the living room. He called them all a few more times, but the only response he received was silence.

"Perfect." The nerd turned on his heel, practically sprinting up the stairs, so fast he nearly tripped. He pulled his door open, closing and locking it behind him- just in case someone got home early; Or, at least he thought he locked it, he was too excited to be sure.

His room was brightly lit by the ceiling light, but the shadows it casted were awful, how could he work in those conditions? Though it had been expensive, he had gotten lights installed on his bathroom mirror, the ones that would normally surround a vanity as he couldn't have an actual vanity without drawing unwanted attention.

The house remained silent as he walked over to his bed, and he enjoyed it. No Roman blasting Disney music, none of Patton's annoying whistling, the only thing he couldn't help but miss was Virgil humming MCR as he paced in his room, which was located directly next to Logan's.

Blood rushed to his cheek's at the thought, and he kneeled besides his bed, reaching underneath it. He pulled a small, navy blue box from the cavern, a soft smile lighting up his face. He hated keeping this interest a secret, but he wasn't sure how the others would react. He knew Virgil dabbled in the hobby, but not to what extend.

Logan could only wish for the chance to partake in his peculiar hobby with his long term crush.

Attempting to dispel the thoughts, he carried the box to his bathroom, leaving that door open, since his room door itself was locked. While he turned on the vanity lights, he opened the container, revealing a rather extensive collection of makeup. Even a professional would be jealous of Logan's selection.

Logan owned beauty blenders, every eyeshadow pallet he could get his hands on, every shade of lipstick, a range of different foundation shades; He had sunk thousands of dollars into this hobby of his, but he never, ever wore the makeup out, too scared of judgement. The only time it got used we're the days the others went out, when Logan would parade around the house in his newest look.

As he reached for one of the foundation bottles, he begun to recall situations in which he had almost gotten caught, the worst of them all including Virgil. If he embarrassed himself in front of Virgil... He shook his head, grabbing his navy blue beauty blender, beginning to hide any moles or blemishes he had, eyes narrowing in concentration.

What sounded like the door opening broke Logan from his concentrated state, though he finished after a few moments. He set the blender down, cautiously walking to his bedroom door.

"Hello?" No one answered, and Logan figured he was simply imagining things, unaware Virgil had entered the house, headphones in, back early due to bad weather. He returned to his makeup, picking the pallet of blues from his eyeshadows, tilting his head as he applied it.

"I think i'll go for glamour today." Logan muttered, sticking to the more sparkly eyeshadows, and picking out a nice navy lipstick, making sure it spread properly. His door begun to open, but he was paying no attention, still 110% sure his door was locked.

For a moment, he pursed his lips, admiring himself in the mirror, feeling confident, and beautiful, which was one of the main reasons he used makeup in the first place.

Virgil stood just in the doorway, eyes wide as his cheeks turned a darker shade than Logan's favorite blush. He had never pictured Logan as the type to use makeup, even a small bit of foundation, let alone lipstick or eyeshadow. He wished he had pictured it though, because damn Logan looked good like that-

After a few more moments of staring at the perfect sight that is Logan wearing blue lipstick, Virgil cleared his throat, assuming he wasn't supposed to see this, but knowing he couldn't simply pretend he hadn't. He wouldn't be able to forget this image.

Logan turned to face Virgil, fear morphing the once confident look. No, he had sword he locked the door! How could he have allowed himself to slip up like this?! He was shocked, and scared, and embarrassed, and didn't quite know what to say in this situation.

"You... You're home early." Logan muttered, going pale, though Virgil couldn't tell with the foundation and blush the other was using.

"Yeah... It started raining and I can't exactly draw in the rain..."

Logan quickly reached for his makeup remover, but Virgil caught his wrist before he could begin to wipe it away. "Don't-! I... uh, you... You look nice, really nice. Why don't you wear makeup more often?"

"You don't think it's strange...?"

"Logan, I wear makeup all the time, why would I of all people think it's strange?"

A small smile spread on his lips. "I suppose I was simply self conscious then. Perhaps you could assist me...? I tend to have trouble with applying my mascara."

"Only if you tell me what brand of lipstick you use."



Virgil sat in the middle of Logan's bedroom floor, propping himself up with his arms, watching as the other brought the makeup case over, and set it between them, taking a seat across from him.

"Pretty impressive-" Virgil commented, fishing through Logan's case for one of the mascaras, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he begun to apply it to the nerd. "This is larger than my collection, which is saying something."

Logan chuckled, though attempted to stay still, as to not mess Virgil up. "I'm surprised."

"I am too, trust me. Anyways, what brand is that lipstick?"

"You may try it if you like-" Logan was muffled by Virgil doing just that, though in a way he most definitely hadn't expected. The very sudden kiss was over as soon as it started, a blue lipstick mark on Virgil's lips, and he rubbed them together to spread it.

"I see why you buy this brand." Virgil said smoothly, while Logan was making shocked and confused noises, a very dark blush coating his cheeks. He had suspected Logan liked him for awhile, and he couldn't let such a perfect opportunity pass.

When Logan finally calmed down a bit, he managed to speak. "I think you need more lipstick-" He breathed, really hoping Virgil would kiss him again, and by the time Patton and Roman got home, both Logan and Virgil's lips were stained blue.


Okay, so, whats a consistant update schedule? Cause I have no fucking clue

Wanna hear my excuse? No?

Ima tell you anyways

I was... Procrastinating! *GASP* so surprising? right?

Okay, I have a better excuse-

I was working on a full length sander sides story- i've mentioned it before, and a romance novel. 

Not a good reason? I know, but still. 

Either way, hope you enjoyed.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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