Room for one more {LAMP} (Valentine's day)

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Fluff; Human Au/Roomate Au; No warnings; 1327 words


Virgil watched as Patton, Logan, and Roman cuddled on the couch. Patton's hand was twirling a strand of Romans hair, with the male held to his chest, who in turn was curled around Logan.

The nerds glasses were slipping down his nose, and as Roman pushed them up, one of Logan's rare giggles escaped his lips. Once he recovered, he continued his conversation with his boyfriends.

They were planning what they wanted to do for Valentine's day, and Virgil found he could no longer sit there. He had nothing against them, he didn't mind their relationship, and he definitely wasn't homophobic...He wanted to be apart of that.

He wanted to join them on one of their elaborate dates, he wanted to cuddle up to Roman, to kiss Logan, to bake with Patton, and everything in between. He wasn't sure how he had fallen in love with them, or when, but he knew he had. It made holidays like valentine's day incredibly painful, he was beginning to despise it, if he was being honest with himself.

The moment Virgil left the room, heading to his bedroom to do who knows what, Patton shifted the topic.

"Speaking of Valentine's day, I had a question." His voice was soft, as he was slightly nervous. He had found he was starting to like Virgil, in more than a friendly way. Though he knew the others were open to adding someone to the relationship, that was only if they all liked said person.

Logan shifted so he was on his stomach, an adorable smile on his face, now looking at Patton. "Hm?" Roman shifted in a similar way, tilting his head upwards to look at the dad like male.

After a moment of re-wording what he wanted to say a few times, Patton finally spoke up again. "I want to ask Virgil out for Valentine's." The words jumbled together in worry, but they were coherent enough that both Roman and Logan understood what he had said.

Roman broke the silence first, sitting up. Much to Patton's relief, a small smile rested on his face. "So i'm not the only one that fell for him, hm?" Roman asked in a teasing and playful manner. Patton squeaked, covering his face as it was dusted in a light pink. "I love that idea, but-"

Patton sighed at that. Logan didn't just fall in love with anyone, it took him years to even consider dating Patton, and when they brought up the topic of including Roman, things had been extremely rocky at first. Though, neither realized how much Logan had adapted and changed, since this was the first person they had wanted to include since Roman.

"Logan has to like Virgil too." Logan could feel both their eyes on him, and he rolled his own playfully. He had fallen for Virgil months ago, but was too anxious to bring it up.

"Well, I believe he would make an excellent addition to our relationship, because despite how much I love you both, I feel we are missing a certain someone." He glanced at Virgil's door.

Patton hugged them both tightly, a face breaking smile spreading on his lips. Now there was only one thing he had to worry about; What if Virgil didn't like them back?


"Do I have to knock?" Patton asked softly.

"It was your idea-" Roman said, chuckling a bit. "But if you're that worried, i'll do it for you, cookie." While Patton dealt with his growing blush, Roman approached Virgil's door, knocking.

Logan was clung to Romans side, while Patton was right behind them both, arms looped around their waists. After a moment of shuffling, a muttered cuss word, and a 'one second', Virgil opened the door.

Virgil noticed their position before anything else, and it made his heart ache. They were all really clingy, he knew that, but couldn't they go a few minutes without showing off their relationship?

He then noticed the sparkle in Patton's eyes. That alone dulled the aching just a bit, to see him so happy. "Need something?" Virgil asked, leaning himself in the doorway, and crossing his arms. He watched in slight confusion as they glanced among themselves, as if trying to determine who was to deliver very serious news.

Eventually, they all seemed to agree on Patton.

Patton moved from behind his boyfriends, letting go of them. Taking a few steps towards Virgil, he gave Roman and Logan a soft, nervous smile. He grabbed Virgil's hand, much to his confusion. "We wanted to ask you to be our Valentine."

Virgil blinked a few times, attempting to process what Patton had said. He thought over the words, but apparently there was more, since Patton continued. "That and...We wanted to know if you wanted to be a part of our relationship." Patton let go of Virgil's hand when he finished the question, awaiting the answer with a hopeful smile.

Virgil had wanted to be asked this for months, but now that he had been, he wasn't sure how to respond. Of course he would say yes, it just took him a moment to process everything. He could see how the longer he waited to react, the more nervous they all got.

After another moment's hesitation, he hugged them all, feeling as three sets of arms wrapped themselves around him.

"I assume that's a yes?" Roman let out a chuckle.

"Of course it is."


Light streamed through the part in Virgil's curtains, and he groaned in annoyance. It was much too early to wake up; The sun had just barely risen in his opinion, and in blinking numbers on his alarm clock, it clearly read '7:38'. One well known thing about Virgil, was that he rarely left his room before 12:00, and he didn't plan on changing that today.

"You've got to be kidding me-" Virgil groaned, burying his face into his pillow to block out the light filtering into his room. Unaware of the fact it was Valentine's day, due to grogginess, he curled into himself under his blanket.

Relaxing, he began to slip back into a peaceful sleep, until three hard, and annoyingly loud knocks came from his door. Virgil let out another groan as he shifted the pillow to cover his ears, but the knocking, much to his dismay, persisted.

"Go away-"

"Is that anyway to treat your boyfriend?" Virgil sat up almost instantly at that. He could swear last night was a dream, but that was Roman's voice, and he was most definitely awake. Just to be sure, Virgil pinched himself, letting out a soft yelp; Yup, very much awake.

"Well?" Roman called through the door, feigning impatience, and grinning at the door as if it were Virgil. After a few moments, Virgil pulled the door open, cuddled in his hoodie. As Virgil let out a yawn, Roman grabbed his hand, and started pulling him towards the kitchen.

"Happy valentine's day!" Two other voices chimed in with Roman, and Virgil mentally cursed for forgetting. He was always forgetful in the mornings, he just couldn't help it, no matter what he did; It had gotten him in some awkward situations.

Virgil realized he had probably taken too long to respond, and once again mentally cursed. "H-happy Valentine's day."

Patton giggled at Virgil's clear nervousness, and after setting down a plate of Chocolate chip pancakes, pressed a kiss to his temple. Watching as a blush started spreading on Virgil's face, Patton just grinned, turning to the others. "Isn't he adorable?!"

"Patton-" Logan scolded halfheartedly. "You're embarrassing him."

Their play fighting caused Virgil to relax a bit. Nothing had changed; They were still Virgil's best friends, Virgil was just... dating them now. Slipping into a chair, Virgil smiled a bit at the others.

"But," Logan continued, smirking a bit at Virgil. "He is adorable."


Valentine's day was absolutely perfect, and though Virgil used to despise it, it easily became his favorite holiday. Just like the others, Virgil was unbelievably thankful that they had room in their hearts for one more.


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