Snowfall {Logicality}

99 8 0

Fluff; Human AU; No warnings; 3658 words


A storm was brewing. It was barely noticeable, children and adults alike were still out, and the sun was peeking from behind the mountains giving off just enough light to keep the snow a crisp white, rather than the dull gray it was at dusk. Still, here Logan stood, steps from the ski-resorts doors.

A chill of wind sent his hat flying off his head, landing at the feet of a man in similar attire, suited up to defend against the cold. Before Logan could speak up, the stranger was bending down to fetch his hat. The man seemed familiar to Logan, in a way he couldn't quite describe.

"Here, you dropped this!' Patton, said stranger, handed the hat back with a bright smile. "Or the wind stole it from you, same thing." He let out a childish giggle. His cheeks were tinted a rosy red from the icy mountain weather, and were dotted with so many freckles, they could be a night sky. Loose brown curls sat on top of his head, peeking out from under a light blue hat. He was utterly adorable, his glasses making him even more so.

Slipping the hat back on, Logan took a moment to take in the bubbly man's looks. "Thank you." He'd never been good with social interactions, but perhaps this all too familiar stranger could be of some assistance. "You wouldn't happen to know a Patton star, would you? I'm supposed to meet him here."

The two had been exchanging letters for some time, at this point at least six years, becoming close friends, though they were merely pen pals, and had never actually met in person. Despite the stark contrast in personalities, and Patton's atrocity of grammar, Logan had quickly grown fond of the other. After quite a few letters written solely to convince him, Logan had agreed to finally meet Patton, and for whatever reason, they ended up choosing the nearby ski-resort that Logan now stood mere feet from.

Patton's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of his name. "Logan stone! Nice to finally meet you in person!" The rosy tint seemed to darken, but that must have been the cold. Yes, just the cold. He was quick to embrace Logan in a hug.

This caused the very socially awkward man to stiffen, before cautiously, and awkwardly returning the hug, both disappointed and relieved when it was over. Brushing himself off, and pushing up his glasses, he nodded, finally speaking up. "Yes, it's nice to meet you as well." Despite usually finding excitable people annoying, he couldn't help but find Patton's loud personality endearing.

They went inside, both happy to warm up, and spent their time chatting. The more Logan got to talk to Patton in person, the closer they became. Hours passed, and eventually they had to part ways, but they agreed to meet again tomorrow, when they got their much needed rest. Logan hurried to the room he had rented for the few nights Patton and he had agreed to stay.


Light shone through the window, enveloping the room, and causing Logan to groan in his half asleep state. Luckily, his room was blissfully warm, as he could see just how frigid it was outside. His window was iced over, despite the sunlight directly on it, and snow was falling. Logan had never been a fan of cold weather or skiing, so just how Patton had convinced him to meet here specifically, he didn't know.

A cup of coffee, a hot shower, and a change of clothes later, Logan was ready to head out the door. While he was gathering his normal daily essentials into the backpack he usually kept with him in vacation like situations, which this was actually his vacation week, someone knocked on his door. He had decided since Patton wanted to meet anyway, this would work well enough for his vacation.

He slipped the key cards to his room into his wallet, and then his wallet into his backpack, as the person knocked again. "Patience is a virtue. Give me a moment." He called, zipping the bag up, and propping it on his shoulder. Since today was reported to be colder than yesterday, Logan made sure his attire, which consisted of a dark blue snow jacket covering his normal black shirt and tie, a dark blue hat, scarf, and pair of gloves to match, and a pair of black and very warm pants, would do well in said weather. It seemed warm enough, so with his backpack in tow, he opened the door.

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