phone number

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"Oi, Y/n," called the explosive boy the next morning.

"Yeah, Katsuuuuu- Bakugou-kun?" She responded, nearly saying her secret pet name for him.

Almost screwed up right then and there.

"What's your phone number?"

Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero, otherwise known as the bakusquad, burst out laughing. Why would Bakugou want her number? Unless, if course, he liked her, that train of thought went through their heads.

She had to think quick. If she messed up, she could potentially mess up the rest of her high school career.

"Uhm, actually, Kat- Bakugou-kun I don't own a phone." She mentally high-fived herself.

"Then what the fuck is that in your shitty hand?" The h/c girl looked down at her hand to see her f/c phone and phone case.

"W-well, you see here, this is.... Uraraka-chan's phone!" She shoved the phone into the chubby fingers of her friend.

Then she bolted.


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