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Late at night a middle aged man had begun cleaning the last tea cup as his last customer of the night had left. Thats when he begun to clean up the place. Until he finally exited the cafe  taking the sign which has been standing outside the cafe for the whole day. "Umm... Excuse me sir?" Kuzen looked up seeing young adult looking all nervous, yet at the same time scared. "Yes, can I help you?" He gestured him. The man gave a few seconds until he finally spoke up. "My friend told me that this address could help me be feeded without hunting?" The man explained not making any eye contact with the old man. He then stood back up together with the sign on hand. "Right. Follow me." He ordered as the said man had exhale out all the anxiety and worries away. "Wait here." After then. He left and went to where the employee's room is. Then came back with a small round and well rapped package. Placing it on the counter table. "There you go. That will satisfy at one person for a month." Yoshimura explains smiling to the hungered man. "Is it fine if I eat here?" The man asked. He just smiled and nodded. He turned around grabbing a plate and utensils. Then turning around seeing the spectacled male viciously chomping out all the insides of the package. While the old male was just shocked. The young adult awkwardly cleared his throat, swallowing the rest. "Im Yoshimura Kuzen. And you are?" He introduced. "Im Fueguchi Asaki. Im a newly graduated doctor. 32 years." He explianed. "A doctor is it? Well your probobly very used to smelling the blood of humans then." Asaki nodded. Kuzen grabbed a clothing cleaning off the blood from the table and picking up the mess and placing it to a fire proof plate. Then burning it there after it. If I were you. I would burn the evidence rather than just burning it. After then, the doctor payed for the food and thanked yoshimura before leaving.

While the man walks all his way to his home he saw from afar a figure coming closer until the figure had gotten closer to show a female loosing her breath as she runs. Her coming across her as the two shoulder bump each other for a near second. He looked back from the running female then turn back around shrugging the incident off.

Yoshimura watches as the flames die down and slowly became ashes. Until the door violently open back again showing the female before, but with a better sight. She looked very hungry. "Im sorry if im too late, but they say this place is for the weak ones!" The woman shouted having the exact same expression as the man from before. The elderly just sighed and nodded getting another package for the lady.

A month had passed and the lady came back. When she entered she saw yoshimura together with fueguchi having a conversation. The middle age man turned his head to the door smiling at her. But the lady stepped back about to close the door. "Wait, Nagai-san. He's also here for the same reason." The whitenette stated. The said girl opened back the door smiling to the two gentlemen. Asaki was looking back at her looking slightly nervous. When the two made eye contact. The ravenette blushed looking back at his coffee. The brunette sat beside him as he adjust from his seat at the counter. "Coffee nagai-sama?" The male asked. "Thank you." She smiled. "Remember. There not for free." The elderly added while the doctor was chugging on his coffee. But when he heard those words he accidentally spitted his drink. "Wait. There not for free?!" He spitted out. "Why of course. This is a café after all." Kuzen snickered bringing out a cloth cleaning out the all the good waste on the counter table. "Any ways, I'll get the packages now." He excused him self going to the storage room. While time flies by awkward silence came by as well.

"Come on asaki come on! Try talking to her!" The male thought to himself  tapping  the empty cup. "Oh please ryouko dont be an coward! Just do it!" As the same for the lady beside him. a bead of sweat began to roll down the female. "Uh-" The two started at the same time cutting themselves. Nagai giggled while fueguchi scratched the back of his head. "Umm... Ladies first..." He awkwardly stated. "Well alright. Im Nagai Ryouko. And you are?"

"Fueguchi Asaki." The brunette just nodded. A nd another awkard silance came again. "So whats your job nagai-san?" He started. "Im a waitress from the 19th ward. How about you?" She answered. "Im a doctor by the 13th ward. I-" But before he could continue he was soon cutted off by the elderly entering the room. "Alright. Here we go. Two meat for the two acquaintance." The man smiled handing the two packages to them. "Thank you." Both of them stated at the same time. After that the two exited the café. "Hey ryouko, I should fetch you back to your household. It is late at night after all." Asaki suggested which made the said lady nod. And thats when they had gotten to know each other. "Im 26. how about you?" The female started to cool down the tension coming around. "32." The male answered. Soon then they had finally get to know each other. After the walk back to ryouko's home. The two shyly exchanged numbers. After then, they had started to text alot. Until ryouko had plan to o a surprise visit to asaki's quarter's. But the problem is. She's lost in the 13th not even thinking that she dosent even know where he live's. But then he remembered that he was a doctor and went to a nearby hospital.

Sorry about the ugly surname for ryouko!!!

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