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"Im sorry ma'am, but we dont have a doctor named fueguchi asaki..." And that was was the last nurse of the day. Apparently ryouko has went to all hospitals and clinics in the 13th ward, yet she havent find him yet. Until when she stepped out of the clinic. She saw the said male walking. But he looked very tensed as he walks. "Fueguchi-kun!" She shouted running her way to him. Once when he heard his name he slightly jumped turning his head to where the voice came. Seeing the familiar female that he havent seen for half a month. Catching him off guard. She jumped to him giving him a loving embrace. "Wow its been awhile! How you've been?" She asked. "Nagai-san?! How did you get here?!"


"Fueguchi!" A unpleasant voice called. The said male turned around. While the female turned her eyesight to see a large blonde male wearing a white suit just right behind the two. "Lets go." The male stated. The ravenette gulped while sweat dropping as he nods. "Nagai-san. Here's the key to my house. Its better off for you to be there."


"Dont worry! I'll text you the address..." He stated before he leaves the confused female on the middle of the sidewalk. As promised. The spectacled male did as said. The brunette went to his household seeing a very messy living room. "Well I guess he's too bussy to clean his house... All his shoes looked like they were just kicked out from the owners' feet. and the couch had coffee stains and so does the floor. At least they were tile's. The dining table two plate's that had ashes on them. "What kind of guy would smoke using two plate's as a ash tray?" She thought to herself. But then she was surprised seeing how the kitchen was empty and dosent even have a refrigerator. She looked underneath the the sink to see the cleaning supplies. "Lets just get this over with.."

After cleaning the whole living room together with the kitchen she moved to the bedroom. Seeing that it was slightly more clean than the room outside. "This with be quick." 

When the owner of the household came back. He was surprised seeing the place very clean. "Is this my house?!" Ignoring his own question. He stepped inside Seeing  a sleeping ryouko nagai on the naked couch. He sighed and set the sleeping beauty to a different and more comfortable position. After then he gazed at the female. He dint noticed that he was brushing the females' brown locks. Now that he noticed he stood back up. A dust of pink brushing through his cheecks. He went to his room and went back to where the girl was. Holding a blanket with him. And tucking the covers for ryouko.

The next day the two had a short coffee chat about that man since the brunette demanded answer's. It appear's that asaki was a doctor of a famous ghoul organization which is the biggest threat to the ccg. He was anxious about the reaction of the female. But for some reason she dint care. Because she understands. How much humans hate ghoul's and that ghouls should stand up.

The next month ryouko moved to the 13th ward to keep a good eye on asaki. They became neighbors and she found a job near there. Every month they would visit the café to have a sip and get back home with a take out meal. Until it has been at least half a year where they had became lover's and had made a child unexpectedly. The mother kept it a secret since she was scared what could happen if her lover found out. But he had noticed already seeing how react's, since he had been watching her every move. Until a month has passed when he had quited his job a the illegal doctor of the ghoul organization and moved to the 20th ward together with newly married wife. Mr. Fueguchi had mad a house and clinic for the them and became a doctor there. While Mrs. Fueguchi had became a house wife taking good care of there two loving daughter's. (Y/n) Fueguchi and Hinami Fueguchi.

And that's how her parent's met.

Sorry if the name was just a (your name) instead of a original one. You guy's should vote by the comment's if you guy's want a original name by me or your own name's instead.

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