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"But why at me and touka's place? It feels awkward being with hinami- now! What was that for!?" I rubbed my head after my mother hit my head quiet roughly. I'm surprised that I wasn't able to hand such a hit from a weak lady like my mother. "She's your sister (y/n). This could be a way to get to know your sister more and bond with her! Besides I have to do my errands for all four of us and I can't bring hinami with me. So take care of her okay?"

"Yes, mother..."


"Oh... Hi there..." Kaneki awkwardly says seeing ryoko on the door. "Kaneki, hello! Come in!" He nods and enters after ryoko left. I looked over at touka and almost buffled a laugh seeing her expression. She sighs and tried her very best to stay calm once when she saw kaneki.

"Hey kaneki, what's this word?" Hinami asked. "Let's see.. That's orange Osman tus."

"Wow kaneki, I see your helping my sister out with some words huh? Hope she's not giving you too much trouble." I joked. "I'm not troubling kaneki okay?" Hinami said in an irritated tone. I sigh and let her be. The door bell rang which alerted all of us. "I'll check it..." I said after getting up. I peaked at the peeping hole to see the friend touka. "Touka it's your friend." I say before entering my room immediately.

We still didn't wanted people that we knew each other, so I would hide in my room when she has visitors and same goes for her.


"What the? Why the hell is he here?" I asked seeing the ginger male wearing the same uniform as ours. "What the hell are you looking at huh fatty?" My eyes widen and sighs. "I assume you call me fat do to the fat on my chest nishitki. So if ever you call me fatty again I might call the authorities telling them that I'm being harrassed since a fellow taken colleague has been starring at me." I state at him with a smirk. He blushes and looks away. "Ughh.. Whatever you say..." I laugh at his reaction. "Even if it's not violent I still win at our fights." I tell him. "Just shut up and do your job (y/n)."


"So what made you wanna work here!?" Hideyoshi asked seeing the ugly nishiki. "A good woman. Now but out." He says. "Hold up, don't tell me your after touka!" His eyes widen at his words. "Give me a break I said good woman, not dumb girl." I stuffle a laugh at their conversation. "Boy, if touka heard that she wouldn't hesitate to get you infected in her sickness." I say. "Oh now I see, your after (y/n)! I understand since her chest is nice! And she's mother material too! Her smile makes anyone in this cafe feel safe!" Hide says. "I'm proud of you nishio. You have a taste in women."

"What are you talking about!? She's the exact opposite of a good woman!" Nishiki tries to defend himself. "I'm surprised you had the balls to say such inappropriate compliments in front of me, nagachika-San." I say awkwardly.

"It's not fair it's just... I wanna see daddy!" Hinami runs off and passed me. "Imouto what's wrong-"

"I don't wanna talk about it!" She shouts and up to our apartment. It was awkwardly silence right after. I approached my mother and sat infront of her.

"It's my fault she's acting out. Without my husband I have to be both parents. Turns out that's a lot harder than I thought..."

"You don't have to tell me if you have to, but um... Why is she so upset?" Kaneki asked when he placed a cup of coffee on the table. "It's been a while since we've heard anything from my husband. She's worried and rightfully so. But now she's insisting that we go see him."

"I can go check on him mom. You don't need to worry about me, just tell me the address and I'll be back as soon as left." I say. "That' not needed, honey. I don't want you to get anymore problems than you already have now."


"You see, my husband used to have so shady business back in the 13th ward. But when (y/n) was born, he chose to leave that life behind him. I don't worry to much about his past. He's a wonderful husband and father that's all that matters." I blushed when she mentioned me since kanekinwas listening. She pushes her chair back and stands up. "I'm to have a talk with her and maybe spoil her a little bit."

"That's unfair you never spoiled me this much before when I was little." I put and she pets my head. "I spoiled you this much to let you live by yourself with yoshimura and Yoko when you were 7. I think that's enough for me to spoil." I sigh. "I guess you have a point."


Ryoko did what she said earlier. I tagged along to see what would happen. "Hinami.." My mother says after the said female opens the door slightly. "You're not alone, believe me I miss him too." She says while a few tears  started to drop. I sigh and let myself give in and let my tears of worry come out as I sobbed quietly. Hinami steps forward and runs to her mother for a hug. "I'm so sorry mama!" She cries out. "Are you still angry with me?" Hinami shakes her head. " so don't cry anymore okay?"

"I can't promise anything, but I'll try my hardest, oh hinami... I love you..."

"We have to try to stay strong for dad..." I say watching the two with my soggy eyes. "We'll be together again soon." Ryoko reassures. I let them have a moment and watched them. Ryoko looks over at me and pulled me down to join their hug.


"I'll see you tomorrow." Kaneki says before leaving the room. I was by the door eavesdropping again since I was too much of a coward to enter the room. Kaneki closes the door and looks over at me and flinched a little. "Oh hey (y/n) what brings you hear?" I stayed quiet and listened to their conversations while kaneki awkwardly watches me. "Hey mama! Look! I've already learned all of the words inside this book!"

"Really? I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks... Can I ask you something?"

"Sure dear."

"Well now that I know everything in this book."


"Can you get me a new one? I could even learn more words so that I could surprise dad! Also his birthday is coming up so I still have to give him a present! So I was wondering..."

"Let me guess you want to give him a book?"

"This calls for a trip to the book store!"

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