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Yoshimura still didn't allow me to wear those cute uniforms him and yomo would wear since he said I was still too young to work for the café since I was 11 years old. But they still allowed me to do some minor jobs for them like turning he sign from close to open or putting the large board infront of the shop and baking and making food for the customers since yoshimura said that the customers said that my recipies and taste in food was never as good as when the two men baked. Sure, yomo was good at making coffee, but people didn't really liked his cakes. That's propably the main reason he's planning on quitting soon when they find more staff.

I wish I could get to taste my amazing baking like our human customers. I'm so jealous.


Yomo's pov

"Yomo, this is enji koma or known as the devil ape."

"I bet the devil ape can make better than you yomo." The said male says as he glares at the me. "And this kaya irimi. Or what we ghouls call her as black dog." She glared at me and looked away. "Why are they trying so hard to be so tough? I understand their double s ranked ghouls, but that doesn't mean they should be so hard when trying to pretend to be humans.." I thought to myslef as sweat dropped down my cheeks. "New friends!" (Y/n) runs up to irimi and hugs her. "And this is (y/n) fueguchi. She's training to become a stronger ghpul to prptect her family."

"Ugh, get off of me kid." Kaya hisses. "Wow aren't you  a cute one. I'm assuming your a strong little ghoul since you've been training?" Enji pets her head and she smiles to him and lets go of irimi. "Yeah! Yoshimura-san has been training me since I was 7 years old! And now I'm 10 years old! So I'm pretty strong now!"


(Y/n)'s pov

"Who's she, yomo-kun?" I point to the girl with purple hair behind him. "This is my neice; touka. Say hi to (y/n)." She steps off of yomo and bows to me. "I'm touka kirishima." I bow back and smile at her which she awkwardly smiles back. "I'm (y/n) fueguchi. I guess you can say I work for yoshimura since he and your uncle trains me." She stays quiet and looks down awkwardly. "You look like your my age. I'm 11 and you?"


Me and touka became close after then. The two of use are mostly busy on the weekdays since yomo-kun and yoshimura-san trains me at those times. Yomo propably trains touka back at their home, but I'm not so sure.

In the weekends we would sometimes hang out at yomo's home or in the café. Sometime's we would even spare on our free time.


"Go to school? I don't know.. I'm a ghoul so why should I?"

"Come on touka! This is one of our chances to know how humans really are! And we can be human like them!" I graped her hands, begging for her to join my journey. She closed her eyes as I look over at yoshimura who smiles at me which I smile back. "Mmh... Fine alright, I'll join one of your shinanigans.."

"Yay!" I smile and hug her with positivity in me.


The two of us agreed to not be as close as ever since we didn't wanted to be suspicious. I'm a year older than touka so I started as a 2nd year in junior highschool while she was in first year. We never talked in school, and nlt even once. I was able to make at least two friends while touka was able to make just one.


"We have a new student this year. Please introduce ykurself infront of the class." I stood up and walked to the flatform. "Hello! I'm (y/n) fueguchi. Hope I'll have a wonderful year here!" I smile at them and walked back to my seat.

At recess time I wasn't able to talk to anyone and played with my phone to pass the time. "Hello! Your (y/n) right?" I look up in surprise seeing a female with long black hair that was tied to a pony tail. "I'm minari saito. I sit beside you. Do you wanna join me and my friend; akari kobayashi to have lunch later?" She points over to the female with light blue hair with white highlights. She was minding her own business eating a slice of cheesecake. She looks over to the two of us and blushes. I nod and smile at her and and she blushes and looks down immediately.


"(Y/n)!" My eyes widen as I look over at minari. "Yes?"

"Your spacing out again."

"I'm sorry, but what were you saying?"

"I said if you wanted eat at that new ramen place after school with akari."

"O-oh yeah sure!"


We parted ways with akari and went to our separate ways. Me and minari live close so we wpuld always walk together at the same route. Me and touka were able to have an apartment for our own, but they still didn't knew about me and touka. We agreed to not bring each other up to our friends since we didn't wanted to be involved with each other when it comes about the school.

I bid a farewell to minari and pretended to enter the apartment building. I'm always anxious about my friends safety so I would always follow the two of them when I had the time. Especially minari since her neighborhood always has ghoul incidents that the CCG hasn't solved, yet.

This night was the night where it actually happened.

I heard a scream from afar that only a ghoul with good hearing could hear. I was in the nearby convinient store buying cans of coffee for me and touka. I dropped the unpourchased items and ran out the store and jumped from building to building. Luckily the street was dark and isolated so no one would spot me. And listened to her shacking body and heared at a nearby alley way. I jumped down and sliced the ghoul in half and looked over at my friend. Blood didn't slatter that much, but it did hit my cheek that trigged my kakugan.

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