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The cafe wasn't so busy today since it was raining. Irimi and koma were on their breaks so the only people that were on shift were me, touka, and that kaneki. The sounds of the bells ringed while I was cleaning the table. "Ryoko!" Touka called once when she saw the familiar duo at the door. My eyes widen and turned around seeing them. "Hello touka." She looks over to me and gives her, her most genuine and most pretty of smile. "Hello sweetie.." I placed my towel on the table and ran over to her to give her a hug. "Get some towels kaneki!" Touka yells which he quickly jolts up and runs to the storage and does as she orders. I let go of my mother and looked down at her. "Hinami..."

"I'm sorry.. I don't wanna trouble you..."

"Don't be silly." Touka reassures. "Besides your always welcome here. Especially since I'm here it'll be more fun mom!" I smile at my mother and she smiles back. "Hey there! Long time no see!" Touka says to hinami. She didn't say anything and just hide on mother. "(Y/n), where's yoshimura?" She asked. "He's inside." I say to her. "Kaneki, can't you see she needs a knew towel?" Touka asked in annoyance. "Dear lord all I can hear from these two are wedding bells." I thought to myself when I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry..." He says before handing the towel to her. "I'll show you where they are." I say before escorting them inside.

We arrived at the managers room. I knocked before entering and bowed before speaking. "Sir, my mother would like to speak to you." I say as the two enter. He stands up and looks over at hinami and back at me. "(Y/n), it's better if hinami isn't here. How about take her to a spare room." I nod and looked over to her. She looks away with that irritated expression. I placed my hand on her back, but she steps away from me and waits for me to walk. "Right this way imouto." I tell her with a smile.

At the moment she's in a room reading one of her books I bought for her. "Where are you off to with that (y/n)?" Yoshimura asked seeing me holding a tray of a plate, knife, fork, and a package. "Well mother said that hinami was hungry. So why not let me bring this for her."

"I noticed she was trying to avoid you since the time they arrived."

"You've noticed it too huh?" I look out at the distance and sighed. "She must feel awkward since she hasn't seen me in so long."

"I believe that is the reason. But don't worry. She'll warm up to you." He reassures with a smile. I smile back at and goes up to where she is. Once when I arrived I knocked on her door. "Who is it?" A small voice asked. "It's just me hinami." I say before enentering. "Don't worry, I just brought your meal for this month." I say. I placed the tray and looked over to her. "Hinami, is there a problem with me? I noticed you haven't been acting like yourself lately.." I asked in a worry tone. "I can't eat when someone's watching me." She says shyly, looking down at the package. "I'm sorry.. I just noticed your actions today so I thou-"

"I haven't seen you ever since I was 2 years old!" For the first time ever had she ever raised her voice to me like that. "Things have changed, so ofcourse my actions are different now.."

"Besides you don't know me that much anymore so you wouldn't understand."

"Just let me eat in peace please.." I nodded and stood up and let her be once when I left the room.


"Hinami huh?" I was only able to talk to my mother after my shift which was the closing time. Ryoko takes a sip of her cup of coffee I made for her and looks over to me. "Hinami hasn't seen you for a while. She missed you very dearly. And we thought that visiting you would distract your training. But the more she begs to see you again we couldn't say no anymore and visited. Hut you weren't there since yoshimura said you were too busy training with yomo and were too far to visit. Everytime we visit the only people she would get to talk to was touka. She was like a substitute older sister for her. You couldn't get mad at touka for doing so. Hinami needed the treatment so bad. But she gave up visiting, and that's why we haven't visited for a long while." She explains to me. "I understand that. I got to be honest I'm jealous that touka gets all the attention. I'm sorry for not being here when the three of you needed me. I hope you understand.." I took my mother's hand and rubbed my thumb on her upper part of her hand in circles. She smiles and pets my head. "Ofcourse I understand, but you have to give you little sister some space. You know she's too young for this so she won't be able to understand it that properly." She looks at my features and smiled more. "Boy, did you grew. Last time I saw you, you were smaller then hinami." I laugh. "But look at you mom, you haven't changed. You still look as young as ever." Ryoko looks over the covered window and same goes for me. The cafe was very dark and the only source of light was the light on the counter on on our table. "Hinami really did changed... I'm proud of her now that I think about it.


"'Kay I'm leaving, thank for keeping an eye on her, sweetie. Hope she won't be that much of a trouble to you too touka. Hinami be a good girl and do whatever touka and your big sister says okay? Bye- uh?"

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