°♡Chapter One♡°

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    ♡-THE BRIGHT yellow sun had reached it's peak as waves crashed against the rocky cliffs. Seagulls sang above me, flying by, wind brushing gently against their feathers. The sand was hot in between my tanned toes and my elbows. It's the last day of summer vacation before I am officially a senior.

It was a nerve racking point in time as I had yet to completely figure out what I want to be in life, as there were many occupations I grew up fantasizing about; an actor, a singer, a novelist, a dancer, a model. I sound pretty cocky but I am pretty good at all of the above and have been told countless times.

Surely, I could do all of them- I would just not have any time for my family, my friends and I'd never be able to visit this house ever again.

I turn my head slowly, glancing over at the large beach house sitting around ten meters away. I wouldn't have any privacy, I'd constantly have photos being taken of me and probably wont be able to process it naturally- and lastly, I wouldn't have the chance to experience real love. Although, I'm pretty sure I'm A sexual, I want to know how it feels to get butterflies tying knots in my stomach and trying to find away out, I want to experience just looking at someone and having my face turn so red it's unbearable, I want someone to make me feel good about myself and make me not ever want to stop kissing them.

It's unbelievable- most teenagers experience almost all of their firsts in freshman and sophomore year; their first love, first kiss, their first time having sex... I could lose some of those things any time I want, actually, but before I do anything, I want to have my first love. I want all of my firsts to feel special, to be with someone I care deeply for and I know feels the same for me. But my ideal type is too rare and is unlikely that anyone actually fits a perfect description of my ideal type.

My phone hummed beside my leg, alerting me that I had gotten a text message. Of course it was my mother telling me dinner was going to be done soon and that I need to come home.

A soft sigh emits from my pink, plump lips as I just turn off my phone looking back at the sun that seemed like it would soon be close to setting. The wind picked up slightly and begun dancing gently with my curly blonde locks.

For another few minutes I took in the atmosphere before grabbing my phone and keys, getting up and jogging over to my car. No, I don't live at this beach house, it's just a house we own and go to when we want to have quality family time-... And that's where I throw all of my parties.

As I opened the door I let out a sigh, the heat wasn't unbearable as I had gotten used to it. the inside of the car was just humid. the leather seats burned my bare thighs and I found myself hurrying to crank up the engine to turn on the air. sliding the key in almost felt natural, like tying my shoes or riding a bike. soon I heard the familiar purr of the motor, it was soothing and brought me back to time when I would constantly bug my mother into letting me drive when I was fourteen.

The drive was only around five to ten minutes before making it up to my large house. When I first got into high school people thought I was a snobby rich kid but I wouldn't say that- I do a lot of hard work around the house and have since I was a kid, my parents only bought my car for me cause they didn't wanna have to drive me places. I had a good job though for a few years and got some good money but my boss was a dick so I quit.

I got out of the car and hurried up the long driveway, immediately being engulfed with a delicious smell the second opening the door. Mom's cooking always filled the entire house with a delicious smell- sometimes she doesn't even have to tell me dinner is ready.

Slipping off my sandals, I hurry through the living room and into the kitchen where my whole family of five is sitting.

"TaeTae!" Minnie smiled, Kimchi sauce around her mouth with a fork in her hand, head just reaching over the table. I shoot her a warm smile before sitting down next to her. Minnie is seven years old and just the cutest little girl ever.

"Sorry, I was just kind of enjoying my last day of summer vacation" I mumble shyly, stuffing my mouth with Kimchi after. My mother grinned and nodded, understanding where My was coming from- my dad just sat there and read the newspaper, nibbling on the food. While that was happening, Junghyun, my little brother who is only two years old was literally playing with his food. Cutie.


《Words; 919
♡Hey guys, glad to finally have a book published once again, I've struggled (and still am) so much with trying to find a new writing style... I'm not too proud with my writing but hopefully it will get better in time. Hope you all enjoyed this-

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