Broccoli boy

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Okay.. So at first some of you are gonna flip a shit and be like "This sounds like dekubaku!" Ik but if you read the tags it's KiriBaku and BakuDeku. (Baku you damn silent player!)

"Are you fucking retarded?!" He stared down at the ashy blonde. "It's fucking disgraceful.. A broken piece of trash child that can't even speak.."   

     He held his head up proudly as he walked away, Bakugou threw an eraser to the back of his head. "You never know when to give up though!" The boy charged towards the blonde, his fist adjusted getting ready to punch. As he swung Bakugou grabbed his arm and threw him over his back and out the school windows.  

"W-What the fuck man! He could get hurt!"

     Baku was about to loose it, his anger built up, his fists clenched and he..

"Hey stop! He can too.." A kid with broccoli colored hair ran in front of Bakugou, blocking him from the crowd. Bakugou looked down at the boys wild hair, he smacked his hand onto the boy head. He pushed Midoriya down the hall. "H-Hey!" 

     Bakugou removed his hand from Midoriya's head and ignored him while he walked down the hall. "Hey wait, what's your name?" 

"..." Bakugou glared at the boy and speed walked away. He looked back at the boy still following him, he couldn't yell at the boy. 

"WAIT.. I'm so sorry! Are you the mute in my class.. I'm sorry.. It slipped my mind.." Bakugou patted Midoriya's back as a way of saying 'it's alright' 

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! I came to this school to learn how to be a hero. Did you as well?" 

Bakugou nodded but he couldn't see himself going anywhere with the way things were going. "Bakugou, would you like to be friends..?" He reached his hand out to Bakugou, the ashy blondes face change to so many emotions in just a second. 

So, this is kind of a test book. It will continued depending on how many people read it. 

In the future of the book there will be a lot more fluff and boyxboy!

People actually used to think I was mute but I'm a lot more.. Stupid/hyper nowadays lol

Mute.. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt