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Todoroki picked up Midoriya where he dropped him off. "How was the date?" Todo asked as he turned the corner. 

"W-WHAT?! I-I-It wasn't a date!!" Midoriya exclaimed. "Why do you suddenly care? When ever I hang out with other friends you never seemed to be interested." 

     Todoroki stopped at a red light. "Because I know them too.. I don't know him." 

"So what..? your not my dad." Midoriya turned his head and looked out the window. The light turned green and Todo made a quick turn. 

"Stop being so feisty. Your like a sassy girl sometimes." Todoroki chuckled. 


     Bakugou walked down the hill, he turned his head to meet the eyes of the red head. He turned away and started back up the hill. 'I'll just take the long way home.' Bakugou turned a corner and started bookin' it, he stopped behind the church and sat between two cars. He heard feet tapping on the ground and then he heard a crash, he peeked under the car and Kirishima had tripped. He laughed. 

"STOP LAUGHING." Kirshima blushed as he sat up and looked around the parking lot. "Fine.. I give up." A rock hit his head, Bakugou stood up and stared over the cars. He smirked and walked over to the garbage cans, he hopped onto the lid and over the fence. 

     Kirishima got up and grabbed the rock, he hardened his hand and crushed it.

Sorry for the short chapter!

kay, I'm not good at naming chapters, you should know this. 

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