Chapter #9: Grand Chef Auto

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I was brushing my hair and cleaning up, until I heard a siren, I walked out and Chris was on top of the roof. "Good Morning campers!" Chris said "Today we have a very special treat" He said. Lightning gasped "Is it fantasy football!" He said. Zoey gasped "is it espressos" I looked at her "I second that!" Scott had an excited look on his face "Helicopter bear hunt?" He said. I had no idea he actually can get excited over that. "Nope. It's merge day! No more team rat, no more team Maggot" Chris said, jumping off the roof. "From now on, it's every man, woman, and Cameron to themselves" He said walking over to Lightning, Jo, and I.

//Great, the merge! Now I only have to worry about me, myself, and I, but I don't know if Scott thinks that just because were dating that means we are sticking with each other till the end, I mean like yeah, but no way am I being his ally, I don't trust him, even if he is my boyfriend, I think I will just stick to Zoey, Mike, and Cam.//

Chris took out his walkie-talkie. "Chef, drop it like its hot" Chris said. "Really" I said. I looked up that sky to see chef with a helicopter, he dropped a large block and it landed on the maggot's cabin. "You crushed our cabin with a large concrete block?!" Zoey said. "I had a bunch left over from building a monument for myself" Chris said "I call it Mount Chirsmore!" He said showing us a mountain. "From now on you'll all share this tiny, cruddy little cabin" Chris said. "Sounds good to me" Scott said, smirking at me. I punched his arm. "Ow!" He yelled. "Chris all our stuff was in there!" Zoey said. "Yes, and because I am nice and not heartless, I'll help you get it out, one McLean brand pic-axe! Children's size" Chris said. I covered my mouth from trying not to laugh.


We were all at the mess hall and Chris was there with a large TV. "Challenge time! Now today's challenge is about grabbing em and tagging em' and to show you how it's done, We have our favorite total drama delinquent, Duncan!" Chris said. Duncan was in a dolly, strapped down, and he was in a hockey mask. Once again, I started to drool, not really, but Duncan was honestly cute to me. Scott elbowed me. "Ow" I mumbled. "Duncan owes me some camera time since he skipped out on Total Drama World Tour, so I saved the extra dangerous challenge demo just for him" He said. "Eat Dirt McLean!" Duncan said. Thank god Duncan didn't mention Alejandro around me, he knew who I was too. "Oh hey Luna!" He said, AAAND my luck runs out. "Shut up!" I said to him.

//seriously Duncan?! seriously, now I probably have a mad at me Scott, but I didn't hear him growl, so who knows//

"Now, first up the smash and grab, hiding somewhere in the mess hall there are 6 keys to Chef's prized collection of vintage Go-karts, some drive like well oiled machines and others, not so much" Chris said. "Chris! don't make these clowns drive my Go-Karts! They'll smash them!" Chef said. "yes! and car crashes equal ratings!" Chris said "Demo time Duncan!" He said as Chef started to untie Duncan. "Chef, let this purp out on a day pass" Chris said. Duncan got out and he took off the hockey mask, he ran off. "Ha later losers!" Duncan yelled. "Okay....probably should've seen that coming" Chris said. Scott put his arm around Mike and I "here is the deal, you help us win today's challenge and I won't tell Zoey about your funny characters" Scott said. "How do you know about that?" Mike said. "Sorry" Cameron butted in. 

//i'll admit, Scott is useful at the moment, I'll ally with him for now, but when the time comes.. I'll knock him over, like spilling a glass of water, now it's time to shed this nice girl skin, No one will know what him em//

We all got in position to start running.  "Players, commence smashing and/or grabbing, starting now!" Chris said. I ran inside, pushing Lightning out of the way. I walked over to Scott and Mike, I sat on the counter next to him. "Mike go look in that broom closet" Scott said. "Do it yourself" Mike said.  "Oooh Zoey" Scott said. "This is so bad" I whispered. "I am taking you to the finals, and this is the only way" Scott whispered to me. "Ugh fine" Mike said as he opened the closet "ooh brooms and sticks" He said and a beetle flew onto him. Scott looked in the closet "Nope no keys here" Scott said and smirked. Zoey was looking through a bucket and something pulled her hair down which made her face go into the bucket. Mike just ripped off the mutant cockroach. "Zoey!" Mike yelled. Scott took out a trash bag. "oooh Mike, clear this trash for me, now!" Scott said. Mike sighed and walked back over to us, he looked at Me, it's obvious he wanted me to do something about him, I can't, I really have no idea what to do. "Scott stop this is so cruel" I said to him, but only so Mike and Scott can hear. "Look sweetheart, I don't care if this is cruel, I am here to win" Scott said. 

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