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Heyyyyy you guys!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in god knows how long! But first things first, I haven't updated because well I'm college, the homework is all online [well mostly] and it's so difficult to keep up with all of it, I also almost got kicked out of my university :(((

Secondly, my job, I actually had to get a new job because the place I worked at was closing down, and now I work at a clothing store in the mall, I need to get used to the place.

Thirdly, I was in Australia [my home country] for Thanksgiving, and basically, I am going there when its a super important holiday, yes I am Australian :-)))

Okay, so I was wondering, when I finish TROTI and TDAS, I'm thinking about doing TDI, TDA, TDWT, and TDPI. But I'm also focusing on other things and it's just blehhhhhhh

Okay but I need you opinion on what I should do, I will tell you guys this, my newest chapter isn't even close to done so when I do update, it will take a while :/// I'm so sorry I hope you forgive me

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