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15. Playful Camps

Personally, throughout the following weeks, nothing eventful happens entirely. If you include mother's obnoxious comments about my teenage life and heart wrenching stares by former friends interesting, then maybe there can be a possibility of having fascinating weeks, but yet again, they're common fatal acts. They're no way interesting at all.

I've realised that there will be a few more months until summer comes and as surprising as ever - graduation. If you assume that I am going through an indescribable excitement, then you're dreadfully wrong. Graduating from senior year is the start of growing up and becoming a complete adult. You've finally escaped from the world of adolescences and teenage mediocrity. The thing is: if you're a teenager right now, it's most likely that you want to become an adult for freedom but obviously if you become an adult, you'll be desperately wanting to become a kid again. It's a mean system. Honest and inevitable though.

I've been thinking thoroughly these days. What will I do when I graduate? Honestly, I have no idea. I mean, sure there'll be college and some legit fun, but I kind of imagine myself in the edge of crowd where you don't even know I exist.

Days ago, I found a crumbled paper in my drawers and read it. It was my bucket-list before I entered high school and to be frank, none of the things in the list happened. At least not yet, anyway.

HARRY STYLES'S BUCKET-LIST (don't read! Very pryvate.)

1) Be the coolest kid at school ever!

2) Be the smartiest kid out there!

3) Be the hottest jock!

4) Do the naughty in the janitor's closet!

5) Get a girlfriend.

6) Smoke weed.

7) Jump off a cliff.

8) Die.

Don't blame my ironically horrendous spelling skills. I was 14 and couldn't care less to listen to the teacher, so technically I do sort of suck at spelling words but at I least I know that private has an I instead of a Y and smartest doesn't include an I now. And also, for minor facts, I used to watch TV shows that might have been too restricted for me so I used to have this strange fascination on how weed tastes like. And now I've grown into a large, awkward, handsome 18-year-old, I figure that smoking weed is the last thing I'd dare to do. I may be an ordinary teenager, but unlike others, I don't do illegal shit. Well, if you don't count the time I stole a small box of Tick Tacks and another box of Pocky from a convenient store. But the convenient store has this quote that says "always here for you" so I never count that one because I was needing those crap I've had stolen and the store was there for me.

Wow, my teenage life sucks and I'm so fucking lame.

I remember the first day of our senior year. Our homeroom teacher asked us, one by one, to tell everybody which part of ourselves did we like the most and explain why. I told the class that I loved my music choice the most because I was, according to my loser-fucked-up-self, punk rock. Frankly, I am still punk rock as of today and I still rock on during every shower I take, but see, that moment, when I told the class the self-description of a typical loser, was the day I've established my teenage idiocy. And I regret it.

Weeks ago, we've had our exams. I got a B+ because of my amazing intellectual skills. Gideon got a D because, and I quote, "I DID NOT FUCKIN' REVIEW THOSE SHITTY HISTORIC FUCKERS", while Niall got an A+. No matter how many times he becomes tardy, his grades never go down after A. It's impressive if you think about it, because no one has ever seen Niall hold an educational book before, yet his marks are above average. I admire him because of that. It's impressive.

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