~8~ Team ~8~

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noun: a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.
verb: come together as a team to achieve a common goal.

It had been a week since Y/N played the scary map with Evan they had both uploaded it in the end but Y/N made hers much shorter than his. Y/N was sat at playing with her group except Nao who was sat next to her playing with her h/c hair.

"Are you fricking serious!" Mitch yelled as his character went down after being attacked by a group of zombies "Ray you could have helped me you ass!"

"What's the fun in that?" Ray teased as Y/N ran to Mitches character and revived him.

"Can't we just have a productive gameplay without you winding Mitch up Ray?" Haru asked as Ray began laughing at him  "I'm guessing that's a no." Haru said as he sighed and clicked his tongue at Ray.

"It wouldn't be fun if I didn't annoy him." Ray said as Mitch scoffed and led a group of zombies over to Ray who wasn't paying attention and let him get attacked by them "Mitch you're a complete ass." Ray said as he realised he was getting left behind.

"You guys wanna play gta instead?" Y/N asked as the guys agreed "I'm gonna record stuff."

"Me too, we should play the car darts thing that makes me want to cry as much as races." Mitch said and Y/N hummed in agreement.

"It would be better if we had more people though." Haru said as Y/N noticed he was right it would be quite boring with the four of them she looked at Nao who shrugged but then pointed at her phone she nodded and unlocked it going onto Skype to text someone hopping they'd say yes.

Y/N looked and saw that David was online and debated on whether she should trouble him with playing with them she looked back up at Nao who rolled his eyes and pouted at her then rubbed his eye with the back of his hand calling her a baby. Y/N shot him a glare making him snigger and she opened her messages with David to ask him.

Y: Uh I know this question is out of the blue but I was wondering if you'd like to play a gta game with me and the guys we kinda need two more as imnoninja won't play .

N: I'm not busy so I'd love to, I can ask my friend Brian to play too if you want I'm sure he'd like to.

Y: Yeah sure well talk to you in sec.

"Guys David is gonna join us as well as a friend of his." Y/N told the guys as they sighed in relief.

"Thank god I may not be on a team with Mitch!" Ray screamed as everyone started laughing.

Once David and Brian joined, David introduced Brain to everyone then the teams were chosen and Y/N got Haru and David and celebrated where as Ray whined that he was stuck with Mitch who told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine which started an argument between the two.

"Can we just play Jesus you two are so irritating." Haru groaned as Ray and Mitch paused their argument.

"Oh please get angry with us." Mitch said as Y/N laughed at him

"You know he doesn't get angry much Mitch so give up." Y/N said as Mitch sighed and agreed, the game began and Y/N knew that her team were going to win.

*Le time skip*

"My life is an official joke." Ray muttered into his mic while letting out a huge sigh as Mitch landed in the water again.

"I hate this game!" Mitch whined as he hit his keyboard in frustration "I want to cry!"

"Yessss YT/C get that five!" David cheered as Y/N landed on the number five she watched as Haru finally landed on the five right beside her car.

"Masters." Haru whispered as Ray huffed making Y/N giggle to herself as she knew Ray hated it when Haru showed off his skills for some games.

"Hey YT/C wanna swap Nogla or smolasian for Mitch it's a one time offer." Ray asked Y/N

"Sorry Ray but they're mine, we're the dream team." Y/N said smiling to herself she looked over to the kitchen from her room to see Nao washing up not paying any attention to her conversation.

"Blah blah we're the dream team." Ray said mocking Y/N making everyone laugh.

"Ray I know where you live I will come slap you don't test me." Y/N threatened as everyone went silent until Mitch couldn't contain his laughter anymore and snorted as he started laughing.

"P-Please slap him!" Mitch practically squealed as everyone else began laughing apart from Ray who sat in silence processing what Y/N had just said.

"Well now I'm locking everything." Ray said as he disconnected

"Are you guys always like this?" Brian asked as he laughed along with everyone.

"Worse." Haru replied "So much worse."

After playing for another hour after Ray re joined Y/N went to her room and began editing her new content picking out her favourite parts she could hear Nao next door moving stuff around his room again when her phone buzzed on her desk she picked it up and read the message

D: Thanks for inviting me to play with ye.

Y: You're welcome, it's great to play with you.

D: You too, I'll to ye later.

Y: Bye!

Y/N decided that it was time for her to go to bed before she got too tired and felt ill she turned off all her stuff and changed then crawled into her king size bed and sighed as she snuggled into her large blanket and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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