~11~ Ride Home ~11~

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Ride home: a ride home is where another person will give you a lift back to your home.

"Have you ever wondered why cookies from here taste so nice?" Mitch asked everyone as they all sat at a table in a café, Y/N and the guys all had the same day off so decided to spend the day together.

"No not really Mitch." Ray said as he took a mouthful of his hot chocolate

"I have don't worry Mitch." Haru said as he yawned while stretching

"I didn't till you mentioned it." Y/N told him as she took another bite of her f/f cookie and Nao just shrugged and went back to typing angrily on his phone, he had been off since they woke up this morning and Y/N didn't want to invade his privacy by asking.

"Great lovely talk." Mitch muttered under his breath aiming the comment straight at Nao who didn't hear what he said, Nao's phone began to ring and he picked it up furiously and began arguing with the person on the other end until he hung up on them.

"I'm going home Y/N." he said bluntly as Y/N glanced at the others.

"You go on ahead I'm going to stick around for a bit." Y/N said as Nao nodded briefly and walked out the café making the door slam as he left "Does anyone know what's going on with him" Y/N asked as the guys shook their heads 'no'

Y/N spent the rest of her day with the guys messing around and causing hassle everywhere they went, Y/N also had to break up a little squabble that Mitch and Ray had which resulted in her grabbing them both by the ears.

"You want a lift back home?" Mitch asked Y/N as he got his car keys out his pocket "Looks like it's going to rain."

"Yeah please." Y/N replied as Mitch unlocked his car and they both slipped in, they sat in silence until Mitch grabbed his aux cord and put some of his music on Y/N smiled when she heard a particular song and Mitch just shrugged at her smiling.

"Here we are, let me know if you need me." Mitch said as Y/N got out the car and nodded to him as she felt rain began to beat down onto her arms and ran towards her building.

Y/N unlocked the front door and crept into the house just in case Nao was asleep, she grabbed a drink out of the fridge and headed towards her bedroom as she passed Nao's she saw his do not disturb sign up followed by a loud crash in his room. Y/N rushed to her room and shut her door behind her and set some stuff up and joined a random Gta server alone trying to stay away from people who knew her.

(Sorry for the short chapter I've been really busy constantly but am finally being able to write more now so I hope to have the next chapter done soon.)

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