~9~ Suprise ~9~

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A/N now I know Kelly is probably a wonderful person and evidently makes Wildcat extremely happy but for the purpose of the story I've changed the perspective of her, sorry.
Surprise: an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc.

After two a long two weeks Y/N opened her front door and yawned to herself and checked the time to see tons of Skype messages she frowned at the phone when she saw most the messages were from Tyler who seemed to be upset. Y/N instantly dropped the files she had in her hands and threw her bag to the floor and ran to her bedroom. As soon as she was all set she opened Skype and called Tyler almost instantly she tapped her fingers on her desk nervously listening to the ringing sound of the call.

Tyler picked up and Y/N was surprised to see his face cam on she could see that his eyes were puffy and red like he had been crying for hours Y/N gasped a little bit as she then took the rest of his looks in she shook her head and knew she had to say something to him.

"Tyler are you okay? What happened?" Y/N asked in a whisper as Tyler looked straight at the screen.

"M-Me and K-Kelly argued and she a-admitted to cheating on me!" Tyler yelled as he burst into tears again burying his head in his hands as he sobbed, Y/N saw that in reality Tyler was gentle and caring and she couldn't believe that Kelly would hurt him like this.

Y/N suddenly felt anger bubble up inside her as she listened to his sobs as she began battling with herself 'Do I show him my face or not?' Y/n questioned herself after a few more seconds of battling with herself Y/N made her decision.

"Tyler look at your screen." Y/N softly whispered to Tyler as she put on her face cam and waited for Tyler to comply.

"W-Why?" Tyler asked as he looked up anyway a surprised expression instantly replaced his sad one as he stared at his screen.

"Hi." Y/N said as she waved at him slightly smiling

"Y-You've never shown your face..." Tyler breathed out in a hushed voice "You're beautiful." he whispered as Y/N felt her cheeks beginning to burn "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay Tyler, I'm glad someone thinks that about me." Y/N said as she furrowed her eyebrows "Now tell me what she did."

Tyler sighed and looked down at his lap and began explaining what had happened Y/N told him it's best if he blocks her out of his life and he agreed but said that it hurts because they've been together for a while. Y/N felt so much anger inside of herself she couldn't believe that Kelly would cheat on someone as amazing as Tyler.

"What the hell!" Nao yelled from the living room as Y/N realised that she had just left her stuff in the living room.

"Uh oh." Y/N said as she heard him storming towards her room, she heard her door swing open and turned around in her chair.

"Why is all-"

"Get out unless you want to face reveal to Tyler!" Y/N yelled

"Oh shit!" Nao yelled as he slammed into the door yelling in pain and then slamming Y/N's door while complaining about a nose bleed.

"Well that was interesting." Y/N said as her and Tyler began laughing at Nao who was still yelling in pain.

"That kinda cheered me up." Tyler mumbled and Y/N smiled at him making him smile brightly at her.

"I'm glad my roommates pain made you happyish." Y/N said pulling a strange face as Tyler watched her "So you wanna play Gta with me, Mitch and Ray?"

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