Chapter 2; What's going on?

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The knock on the door got louder, I was still crying in Matt's arms. Johnny got up and opened the door. Standing in the door frame was Zacky, Brian and Jimmy. I got up and went over to Brian!

"BRIAN" I shouted as he turned his head to me, still dazed and confused. Lets get him up to bed Johnny butted in. So Jimmy and Johnny took Brian upstairs.

As I waited downstairs, I noticed that Zacky's lip was bleeding. "Zacky what happened and where did you go?" Zacky replied "I kinda got into some trouble, that's why I didn't reply to you on the phone". I wondered, who did this to my best friend?.

A moment later Johnny came back down and said Jimmy was still up there. I just wanted to run into the bedroom and hug Brian.

I went into the kitchen where Zacky was cleaning his lip up, when all of a sudden his phone went off. "Hello babe" he said as he raised his phone to his ear. It was Wendy. She shouted down the phone saying "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKER". "I-I kinda got into some trouble babe". "WELL YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS HOME RIGHT NOW" she hissed.

Zacky got off the phone to her and turned back to me. "Kim as you are my best friend, do not repeat what I say to you right now okay" I shrugged my shoulders as Zacky started to tell me how he got his cut lip.

I couldn't believe what he had told me. "So you thought it would be okay just to tell someone to fuck off for no god damn reason? No wonder you got punched".

Zacky replied "Please don't tell Wendy this but I kinda kissed this girl as well. The girl of the boy who beat me up" I gasped in shock and replied "No wonder you got fucking punched, you don't kiss a girl who is taken Zacky, Wendy has the right to know this".

I warned Zacky that he better tell her or I would.

He gave me a hug and said he had to go. I said "I know your secret Zacky and I'm not afraid to tell Wendy".

With that he walked out the house and got into a taxi. I closed the door behind him. Now my main focus was to see how Brian was. As soon as I shut the front door, Jimmy came down the stairs. "Kim, Brian keeps asking for you" with that I asked the boys if they could go so I could go to bed.

I gave Matt, Johnny and Jimmy a massive hug and said goodnight. When I shut the door, I heard Brian shout my name. I knew I was wanted upstairs, so I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and got into bed next to Brian.

"Finally babe, I've been wanting to have a cuddle for a while" he said in his drunken state.

He wrapped his arms round my waist and started kissing the back of my neck. I laughed and turned my head to lock my lips with his. So soft, them gentle lips on mine, I was in heaven. Maybe a little to much. I loved Brian to pieces and I thought that nothing would ever get in the way of us being together forever. Boy was I wrong...

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