Chapter 23; What's Happened To Steph?

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Johnny's POV

Oh shit, oh shit what do I do? Steph was laying on the floor after passing out. I don't know what could have caused it but all I could think of was if her and the baby was going to be okay. I took my phone out of my pocket and quickly gave Brian a text. I quickly phoned an ambulance shortly after I text him. Within 5 mins Brian and Kim flew through the door.

"Omg what happened?" Kim asked with a shock on her face. "I don't know, we were watching a film and all of a sudden she collapsed" I replied stuttering as I was in tears. Brian came over to me and put his hand on my back rubbing it gently. "She will be fine bro and so will the little one in there." I nodded and waited for the paramedic to get there.

They finally turned up and started loading Steph into the ambulance. I climbed in and sat beside her on the bed. "We will meet you at the hospital" Brian shouted. As we were on the way, the doctor was hooking her up to the heart monitor and to my horror her heart rate was low.

Dear god, I beg you to let her live, she is the best thing that's ever happened to me and our little boy/girl will be here soon. Please give me the chance to have a strong family and that one day I can marry this beautiful girl. Amen.

By the time I had finished saying my prayer we were at the hospital. I quickly jumped out and made my way in, behind all the paramedics.

'We have a young girl here, she fainted at home after watching a film with her boyfriend. She has no minor injuries but she is pregnant. Her heart rate is low and will need an emergency C-section.' I heard one of the paramedics say. Why me huh? Everything was fine, Matt and Ava had just had their kid and now I could lose mine. Why is my life such a fuck up? Why why why??

Brian's POV

I gave Zacky, Jimmy and Matt a quick text to tell them about Steph. Kim was in tears and I was trying to comfort her but she just kept balling her eyes out. I got a text back from Matt saying, I hope she's okay, we would come up but Jasmine is sleeping and we are going to sleep soon as well. That was understandable really.

We started to drive to the hospital as Kim was still crying. "Babe, she will be fine, trust me." All this hospital business happening again brought back so many horrible memories. I was brought out of my thoughts as soon as we arrived. Zacky, Wendy, Jimmy and Becca met us outside. Kim ran over to Wendy and Becca and gave them a hug. They all started crying and started walking in. I looked at Zack and Jim as we all walked in after them. "Johnny" Becca shouts. He looks back and notices all of us standing there. "Thankyou guys for coming up here, Steph is having an emergency C-section." "Holy shit, is the baby okay? More importantly, is she okay?" Kim asked.

"I don't know anything guys, I'm worried to death about both of them and we don't know what the sex of the baby is neither." "It will be fine bro, they will both make a quick recovery." Zacky replied.

*time jump 3 hours*

Johnny's POV

Three hours had past and Steph had been brought out of surgery and was still asleep. 'Mr Christ' I heard the doctor say. "How is she doc?" Becca said. "She's doing well but Mr Christ we have your son in a incubator as he is 2 weeks premature." I had tears running down my cheek as Jimmy have me a bone crushing hug. "C-can I go see him?" I asked. I followed the doctor into the room where my baby boy was laying. The doctor lifted the window part up so I could put my hand in a stroke his tiny little hand. "Hey buddy, it's your daddy here, please stay strong for me and mummy, we have waited a long time to meet you and now you're here, I love you so much." Tears where flooding out of my eyes, what happens next? Tour is in a week and I can't possibly leave them. What am I going to do? The doctor came back in and I got up. "Steph has been calling your name Mr Christ, I think she wants you." I left the room, eyes puffy and red. I followed the doctor into the room where all the guys were standing round. "Jo-Johnny is that you?" I ran to be beside her bed and started sobbing. Zacky started rubbing my back and told me everything would be okay. "Guys serious note" I started to explain. "Tour is in a week and what am I going to do? I can't just leave Steph and our baby boy here while I have fun on tour. I dunno guys maybe I'm going to have to miss this one." Them words hit the guys like a ton of bricks. Even the girls almost had their eyes popping out of their heads. "We need to talk to Matt about this, I will give him a ring later." "Okay Zack, just let me know when and where okay." "Will do bro."

Brian and Jimmy didn't say anything, they were still working out who would replace me at tour. It suddenly hit me, that night at my bar with my mum, I heard that Kim picked up my bass and started playing one song. "Why don't Kim replace me as bassist for tour, considering she's going on tour with you guys." I spoke to soon, Wendy, Steph and Becca didn't know Kim was going on tour. "What? Me on tour with the guys, I have never said that." I knew Kim was lying and Becca and Wendy gave her the most horrible looks.

Brian looked at me with his 'good one mate' look on his face. I could see I created tension in the room. "Right shall we start heading off" Kim said to Brian trying to avoid the evil looks. "Alright babe." Brian came over to me and gave me a hug and as did Kim before they left. The others suddenly went as well so it was just me and Steph.

It hit 11pm and Steph was asleep. So I crept out of the room to go find the doctor. "Hey doc, would that be possible to sit with my baby boy for a little while. The doctor nodded his head and lead me to the room. It was dark and they only light was coming from the incubator.

Zacky's POV

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and gave Matt a ring.

"Yo Zack, what is it? I was just about to go to bed as Jasmine is still asleep for the time being, what's so important?"

"Basically Matt, erm, Johnny has pulled out of tour because of Steph and the baby and he didn't want to leave him."

"WHAT? Where the fuck are we going to find another bassist in a week. We need to rehearse and everything."

"Exactly man, I dunno but can you remember back to that night we were at Johnny's bar and Kim picked up his bass and started playing the riffs. Maybe we could use her as she is coming on tour anyway?"

"We will talk about this tomorrow Zack, I'm now going to bed, night man".

Before I could say night he hung up the phone. For god sake, Kim was our only hope and I surely hoped she knew all the songs.

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