Chapter 15; The Excitement Continues!

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"Well babe??" Matt said getting annoyed at how long she was taking. "YES I WILL MARRY YOU MATTY". A huge sigh of relief fillies the room. Ava got up and Matt put the ring on her finger. "I CANT BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE MRS SANDERS" she screamed as loud as possible. Matt gave Ava a very passionate kiss and hugged her. "So this calls for a celebration right?" Zacky pipped up. "Shall we go to my bar?" Johnny said. "Mate you can't drink, you've only just came out of hospital" Brian said. "He knows babe" I said pipping up. "Right let's go then, Mrs Sanders".

Ava's POV

Mrs Sanders sounded so right. Mrs Ava Sanders. I just love it going through my head. I quickly snapped back into reality and answered my husband to be. "Yes, let's go and do this."

We all walked out of the house and locked up. Kim and Brian came with us as did Johnny and Steph while the others went in Zacky's car. As we were driving along Johnny pipped up. "Bro I'm so happy for you, you deserve all the happiness with everything in the past. Cannot wait for the wedding now." "Hey thanks bro, it's good to see you looking so well and getting back to your good old self" Matt replied back. I looked at Steph and Kim with a massive grin on my face. "Finally we are here" Brian said, racing out of the car. "Wow what's up with him Kim?" I asked. "I have no idea, I will ask him later but for now let's go."

We all got out of the car when we all saw a black figure standing at the door, we all screamed and stood close to the car. It was late at night and it was very dark. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GUYS". I heard Becca shout. The dark shadow turned round and spoke. "Where's Johnny?" Johnny? Why would they want Johnny? "I-I'm here, who are you??" I heard him say.

The dark figure removed their hood and it was Johnny's mum. Holy shit. We all went into the bar with his mum and made ourself at home. "Wow, urm, nice place John" his mum said. "Thanks, we came down here to celebrate Matt and Ava's engagement" he said pointing to us. "Congratulations guys" his mum said to us. "Thankyou so much, Matt has made me the happiest I've ever been and I love him to pieces." Matt gave me a kiss on my head. "Where are these tunes at then", Jimmy said getting up and going over to the old Jukebox in the corner. He put the whole entire Waking The Fallen album on. "So who's having what to drink then?" Brian said. "Just get the Jack Daniels for me" Zack replied. I couldn't help but laugh at both of them. They were such dorks.

Johnny's POV

It felt good to be back in this place, I hadn't been here for a good few months. I've missed this place and the memories and what was even better was my mum being here. I was over the moon and so happy for Matt and Ava.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Unholy Confessions playing, I found my old Bass guitar and amp and plugged it in. I started playing and the guys looked at me. "MINI CONCERT ANYONE? BRI, ZACK GRAB YOUR GUITARS AND GIVE THIS MIC TO MATT AND JIM GET ON DRUMS RIGHT NOW". "WOOHOO" Brian shouted. "LETS ROCK THE ROOF OF THIS PLACE." Jimmy screamed. Zacky didn't look pleased but he was tipsy but he seemed to play better when he was tipsy. "THIS ONE IS FOR MY BEAUTIFUL BRIDE TO BE AND MY LITTLE BABY GROWING INSIDE HER, LETS ROCK" Matt shouted down the mic. We started singing and playing Chapter Four just like old times. I couldn't be happier to be playing how we used to.

After the song finished I went over to my mum. "How did you like that mum?" I asked. "Oh Johnny I loved it, you getting into this band, finding these amazing guys who I class as sons, was the best thing you've ever done, I'm so proud of you." A tear started running down from my cheek. "I love you mum and I'm sorry I haven't seen you for over a year because of the band but I'm here now and let's make the most of it before we go back on tour."

I could see mum was starting to well up, I quickly gave her a hug and all the guys just smiled. Her warm hugs were the best. I saw Steph walk over and tap me on the shoulder, "I wanna go home babe, I'm not feeling very good". "Okay babe, I will tell the others to lock up behind them and then me and you will go home." "Mum how are you getting home? I'll walk, it's only round the corner. "okay mum see you soon, I will call you." "I'm now heading off anyway as it's 2am in the morning." "You can walk out with us then".

I told Matt to lock up the bar once he was done with it and that Steph didn't feel very good. We walked out the door and said bye to my mum before we got in the car and drove home.


I picked up Johnny's bass and started playing Remenissions. "Holy shit Kim, I forgot you could play bass, you're so sexy when you play that" Brian said half drunk. Oh boy this was going to be a long morning. I picked up my vodka and coke and downed that whole lot. "What are you guys waiting for, are you gonna play along with me or not?" "Just this song and then we are going home" Brian said. "Matt you ready to do this". "I don't know, I don't feel that good." "Come on Matt for me" we all turned our heads to Ava standing there. I started playing Johnny's bass, it felt so good playing it after such a long time. We finished playing and all sat down on the stools to finish our drinks.

"Well I think it's time to go home and get into a lovely warm bed and go to sleep" Brian said as he winked at me. "I think we all need to call it a night", Zacky said in his drunken state. We all got in our cars and drove home.

As me and Brian got home we went straight up to the bedroom, I got my pjs on and climbed into bed where I was waiting for Brian to come to bed. He stripped down into his boxers and climbed into bed along side me. "Tonight was amazing babe, I hope that will be us celebrating one day and us expecting a kid." I nearly choked on thin air. "You what Bri?" "I would love to have a family with you and we've been through so much and I'm never going to do that again, I'm sticking with you and the only other girl I will EVER love will be our daughter if we have one." Brian said kissing my lips. A tear started rolling down my cheek, "I love you Bri." "I love you too now get some sleep". We gave each other a kiss and rolled over. I just kept thinking about what Bri said and had the biggest smile on my face.

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