Chapter 22; Will Matt Let Kim On Tour?

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Brian's POV

That was one of the best nights of my life, the dinner and the desert when we got home. I looked by the side of me to see Kim fast asleep with the covers up to her chin. She looked so cute. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and a little smile came upon her face. I got up and went into the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and noticed eyeliner all down my face. Shit.

I came out of the bathroom to see Kim wriggle about a bit and open her eyes. "Good morning beautiful" I said to her. "Good morning baby" planting a soft kiss on my lips. "So what are we doing today?" she asked in her sleepy voice. Oh how I loved that voice. "I thought we would go talk to Matt about the tour." "Okay let me shower and get dressed, then we will go and can we get some food on the way?" "Already on it babe". She gave me a kiss and went to get in the shower.

I went downstairs and started cracking some eggs and started making toast. By the time they had finished cooking, Kim was ready. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waste. "I fucking love you Mr Haner." "I love you too Mrs Haner." "Mrs Haner now am I?" She winked at me and slapped my ass. "I grabbed her waste and gave her a kiss. "You're a fucking tease Kim" "I do try Mr Synyster Gates. She laughed to herself as she knows it annoys me.

We ate up our food and made our way to Matt's. I was kinda nervous about asking him if Kim could come on tour with us. "Are you sure you defiantly want to come on tour babe?" "What makes you say that babe and plus yes so I can keep an eye on you." "Oh nothing, just I don't want you getting upset or whatever." She had a shocked impression on her face. For the remainder of the car journey it was silent. We arrived at Matt's and knocked on the door. He opened it. "Holy shit dude, you look terrible." "Thanks Bri, it's that fucking baby, constantly crying all night, I don't know how I'm going to do this." We both stepped in and shut the door behind us. "Hey girl" I heard Ava say to Kim. As the girls were talking I went into the kitchen with Matt.

"Matt the reason why me and Kim came round is because we have something to ask you about tour." "No, don't even speak about the tour Brian, it's in a few weeks and I haven't prepared anything. I need to go over vocals and we all need a rehearsal but I'm so tired because of that baby, I haven't gotten round to doing it." "Dude you do realise it's only been a day, tour will help you get your mind off things, how about I give Zack, Jimmy and Johnny a ring later?" "Okay dude thanks, so what was it you wanted to ask me." "Well because Kim is over protective, she doesn't want me to go on tour, so I had this crazy idea that could she come along?"

Matt looked at me surprised. I know what that look was, like seriously just say yes or no. "Well I guess she could but make sure she doesn't get in the way." "Cheers dude I owe you one."


Brian came into the living room and sat next to me on the couch. "I have some good news babe but I will tell you when we go home". I got excited but couldn't move to much as I was holding Jasmine. "Do you want to hold your goddaughter Bri?" I asked. I placed her into his arms while I went to get a drink. I looked over and saw him playing with her. One day that will be us with a baby girl or boy, I thought to myself.

I walked into the kitchen to see Matt standing at the counter. "Alright there man?" I must of made him jump as he turned his head to me as quickly as possible. "I'm fine dude, has Bri told you the news?" "He said he was going to tell me something later, I assume it's about tour." Matt nodded as I went to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. I walked back into the living room, to see Brian still playing with Jasmine. Ava asked if I could help her pick out an outfit as she wanted to go out tonight with Matt and Jasmine as a happy family.

We both walked upstairs and saw Matt walk into the living room. Most probably going to talk about tour. Me and Ava got into the bedroom and she shut the door. "Which dress shall I wear Kim?" She pulled out a blue one and this gorgeous black one what she brought when we went to the mall. "Ava I love this black one so much oh my god." Typical reaction off me. "Go put it on and then show me." She walked into the bathroom to put it on. She walked back out and it fitted perfectly. "Defiantly this one". She took it back off and put her sweatpants back on and her avenged shirt. "All sorted for tonight, thanks girl, I dunno what I would do without you."

All of a sudden, we heard a smash downstairs, we had never ran so fast in our whole life. We got into the living room and saw a smashed glass on the floor. "Sorry guys I accidentally knocked the glass off the table" I heard Brian say, passing Jasmine to Matt. "Thank fuck for that." Ava said to me. "I know right, panic attack or what" I said laughing back at her.

*time jump to a couple of hours*

We had just left Matt's and was now on our way home, I plugged my phone in and started playing Almost Easy. "Babe, babe, BABE" Brian shouted out me. I was so lost in the music I didn't even hear him. "What Bri" I said as I giggled. "We have got to make a quick stop at Johnny and Steph's, something has popped up". All I could thing off was her baby coming but surely she still had 3 weeks left. Oh god I could only think the worst.

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