Chapter 29; The Big Day!

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*time jump 3 months*

I had never been this excited in my whole life, today is the day I become Mrs Haner officially. It was 9am and me and Ava were starting to get ready for the big day. "Kim I'm so excited but nervous at the same time, I just hope it all goes to plan." Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I went down stairs to open the door to find the girls standing there with their bridesmaids dresses. "I'm so excited girls and I'm not the one getting married." Wendy pipped up. We all went into the kitchen and waited for the hair dresser to come round and do our hair.

A few hours later we were all ready to go. Me and Ava wore white lace dresses while the girls were in a gorgeous dark shade of purple. "Now's the time girls, Kim, Ava this is the last moment of your lives where you will be free" Becca said giggling. We all climbed into the cars and set off to the church. I could see Ava was so nervous and it looked like she was going to pass out at any minute but Steph just kept telling her to breath in and out slowly. I was personally terrified myself but I just didn't let it show, once this is all over me and Bri can get away for a while.

We pulled up outside the church where my mum told me that Bri was inside, I was so nervous once she told me that. We walked into the church and waited outside the doors which were shut. "Okay girls, its time and I just want to thankyou for always being there through the tough times." "I second everything Kim just said, you girls are the best and we will be best friends forever." Ava continued after I had finished.

Matt's POV

Okay, okay, now is the time I dedicate my life to that beautiful girl who will be walking down the isle any minute now. I looked over to Brian who was standing with Zacky to make sure he was still holding their rings. "Jim and Johnny come here quickly, have you both got mine and Ava's rings?" "We sure have Matt" Johnny replied. All of a sudden the church organ started playing the classic wedding tune. I looked at Bri and he looked back at me and smiled. "You ready dude?" Bri whispered to me. I nodded my head and as I turned round I saw Ava, Kim and the girls walking down the isle.

Brian's POV

I couldn't believe how gorgeous Kim looked. I just wanted to get this over with, get the party over and done with and rip that dress off her. Once they both stood next to me and Matt I looked at Kim and mouthed 'I love you'. We said the wedding vows and then onto the I do's. "Kim Jayne Box, do you take Brian Elwin Haner Jr to be your lawful wedded husband" the victor asked. "I do" "Brian Elwin Haner Jr, do you take Kim Jayne Box to be your lawful wedded wife" "I do". "I'm now happy to declare that you are man and wife, you may kiss the bride." I pulled up Kim's vail and crashed my lips onto hers. I have never been so happy in my whole life.

Matt's POV

Once we had all done our 'I do's' we all made our way out of the church where a photographer was waiting outside. It was such a magical day and it couldn't have gone any better. I looked at how happy everyone was and thought this is what it's going to be like for the rest of our life's, our big group of friends still together after the fights and everything, now that's what you call true friendship. "Guys can I just quickly say something?" "Go for it dude." "Well I just wanted to say from when we had been teenagers to now we have all seen each other change and we've had our arguments but I honestly have no idea what I would do with you lot, you're all my bestfriends and no one will ever fucking change that, from hanging out at the park to touring, we have all been there for one another. I am so grateful to have bestfriends like you guys and I fucking love you all."


I could see Matt starting to tear up, it was so amazing what he just said. We were all bestfriends and he was right no one would ever change that for the world.

It got towards the time for the party when me and Brian were sorting out where people were sitting. Obviously family and close friends were sitting with us. It hit the time of the party and everyone was congratulating me, Bri, Ava and Matt. I was overwhelmed by all the love. Suddenly Aerosmith-I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing came on and Bri dragged me up to the dance floor. "This is our song baby, just yours and mine dance, Matt and Ava can have there's in a bit." "Oh Bri, I fucking love you so much". I planted a kiss on his lips as we continued to dance. "I can't wait to get this dress off you tonight" he whispered into my ear. "I can't wait neither baby."

Matt and Ava had there dance and then we all sat down and enjoyed the rest of the night, there were speeches, presents for everyone who helped out and not forgetting how adorable Jasmine and Benjamin looked. It was like one big happy family and I couldn't be anymore happier. This is my life now and I wouldn't and couldn't change it for the world.

Writer's note; Hey guys, well this story is nearly at the end, just one more chapter and then a thankyou page, just want to say a massive thankyou for all the votes and comments, it means a hell of a lot to me especially as this is my first fic, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm looking forward to finishing it. Stay awesome guys ^_^

Self promo; Also if there's any Synacky lovers out there, I will be writing a Synacky fic. It's called Welcome To Bat Country! A Synacky Story! and will be based on Syn and Zack. So go check that story out also and let me know what you think ^_^ Keep rocking guys!

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