Chapter 17; Out With The Girls!

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I gave Brian a kiss and hug and made my way out to the car. I was nervous to drive as last time I ended up in hospital. I got in and started driving to Becca's, as I was driving I had to stop to get some gas. As soon as I got out the car I noticed Matt's car was over the other side.

"Hello" I heard a familiar voice. I turned round and it was Matt. "Hey dude, you now off to see Bri?" I asked. "Yeah we have some studio work to do and as you and the girls are meeting up we thought it would be a great opportunity" he answered with a smile on his face. "Right I better go pay for this and get to Becca's, I will see you in a bit and tell Brian that he is in trouble tonight" I said winking at him. "Okay Kim, see you later."

I got back in the car and drove to Becca's. As soon as I turned up I noticed Jimmy's car in the drive. Oh he obviously hasn't left yet I thought. I got out the car and knocked on the door. Steph opened it and shouted that I had arrived. "Ready then girls?" I said. Steph, Wendy, Ava and Becca all got their jackets. Johnny, Zacky and Jimmy were about to leave the house to go see Brian. "Oh guys before we all leave, I saw Matt at the gas station and he will meet you all at mine" I said smiling. "Okay" replied Zacky before giving Wendy a kiss.

We got into the car and Ava pipped up saying where are we going. "It's up to you guys, we could go to to the mall and do some shopping, actually I need to get a new guitar and bass" I replied. "Okay to the mall it is then" Wendy replied before giggling.

We got to the mall and the first shop everyone wanted to go in was Hot Topic. We all spent a fortune but we all picked up some decent stuff. "Right so where next then guys" Ava asked. "I'm so hungry" Wendy replied. "Let's go get a burger or something" Becca replied. We found a little restaurant and sat down at a table.

"So Kim, how's things with you and Brian at the moment?" Becca asked taking a bite out of her burger. "It's going alright but I had the most scariest dream the other night, it was more like a nightmare". The girls being the girls, they all started singing nightmare. "What was it about?" Steph asked breaking the singing. "Basically, there was this voice and it had Brian in control, he grabbed my wrist so tight that his nails drew my blood to the surface of my arm." "Holy shit" Wendy replied. "Oh that's not the worst part, basically he had a knife and started cutting my arm and then he stabbed me 50 fucking times in the stomach." "Holy fuck Kim, what the fuck made you dream that" Ava said shocked as the others. "I have no idea but it scared the living shit out of me, then I had Bri shaking me to wake me up. I thought I was actually dying, it scared me a lot." "I don't blame you, if that happened to me I wouldn't be able to look at Zacky in the same way" Wendy replied.

We got up and started walking around the mall again, we went in shops after shops after shops. We must of spend over a thousand dollars each. "I wonder what the guys are doing" Steph said. "Shall I give Matt a ring? Ava asked. "Do it." Wendy said mocking Zacky. Ava got her phone out of her pocket and rung Matt.

"Hey babe, you okay?" We heard Ava ask Matt. "Yeah babe, we are just finishing off in the studio and then we are all going to Kim and Brian's." "Okay babe, we will meet you there". "See you soon babe". "See you soon, I love you Mr Sanders" Ava replied. She put her phone back in her back and grabbed her bags. "Come on girls, we've got to meet the guys back at yours Kim". "Why always mine?" I said annoyed. All the girls looked at me and laughed.

We got back in the car and drove home. "I really needed today girls" Becca said. "I love Jimmy to pieces and he is fucking hilarious but being stuck in with him all the time gets boring after a while and plus I think it done him good to hang out with the guys." "I know exactly how you feel" I pipped up. "Brian is amazing but sometimes I just need a breather but it doesn't mean I don't love him no less." "Exactly" Wendy agreed.

We pulled up at mine and took all the bags out of the car. I grabbed my new bass and guitar and took them straight upstairs. I came back down to see the girls going through their stuff. "OMG THAT IS SO CUTE" Becca shouted picking up a little teddy which Steph had brought for the baby. I just laughed until I heard the front door open. "BRIAN" I shouted. "How was the studio?" "I-it was okay wasn't it Zack." "It sure was" he replied with a massive smile on his face. "I can't believe that happened" Matt said annoyed. "What happened baby?" Ava said giving him a hug. "Ask them two" pointing at Brian and Zacky. "ZACK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME??" Wendy screamed.

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