Chapter 18; What Happened At The Studio?

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Hey guys, just a short message to say thankyou to everyone who reads this. It means a lot and I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the following chapters. Never be afraid to comment as I love hearing your feedback!

Also there is a few same sex stuff in this but not too much and I hope it doesn't offend anyone! But anyway let me know what you think and never be afraid to comment. Love you all and enjoy ^_^

"W-well we kinda got into a bit of trouble" Zacky said stuttering. "We can't tell you guys as it's just between me and Zacky" Brian pipped in. "SYNYSTER GATES FUCKING TELL ME NOW" I shouted as loud as I possibly could. "Alright Jesus, basically me and Zack were in the recording booth and we were sharing the mic, then there was this romantic bit in the song and we....urm......." "ENDED UP KISSING" Zacky butted in. All of us guys were so shocked. No wonder Matt was pissed off, he was jealous over them as him and Brian used to be as close and done all that shit. Oh my god, was I not good enough for him anymore?


Brian's POV

Kim was having a massive go at me, she couldn't believe that I kissed Zacky. I mean I didn't do it on purpose but he is so cute. I have imagines of him all the time. Anyway I snapped back into reality after Kim slapped me round the face. "Brian seriously, why would you do that?" "Kim why are you so mad, he is my best friend, best friends do that". "Grr I'm gonna talk to you later about this." Wow she was really pissed off.

I took a walk to the garden where I pulled out a cigarette. I made sure Kim didn't see or she would throw a fit. I was shortly joined by Zacky. "Hey dude, Kim is fucking pissed at me and all I done was kiss my best friend". "Dude, Wendy is exactly the same with me, she won't talk to me or anything". "Why did we kiss anyway and why is Matt so pissed about it?" Zacky asked me. "Maybe he is jealous because of the stuff me and him had back in the day." I replied. "We also kissed because it was just in the moment, I'm not going to lie but I-I kinda enjoyed it." "Dude I enjoyed it as well but we can't let this happen again, just look at our girls they're so pissed off and I think I just saw Kim nearly smash up your guitar."

Once Zack said that I got up, put the cigarette out and ran inside. "Kim, what the fuck are you doing?" "Don't swear at me SYNYSTER GATES, what you've done is beyond the level, AM I NOT FUCKING GOOD FOR YOU ANYMORE? DO YOU FUCKING WANT ZACKY INSTEAD HUH?" *SMASH* All the guys looked at Kim as she stood next to the smashed up guitar. "YOU BITCH, THATS IT I'M DONE WITH THIS AND I'M DONE WITH YOU." All the guys looked at me with shocked faces. "Br-" "ZACK SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT THIS HOUSE AND TAKE EVERYONE ELSE WITH YOU."

"Woah Bri, calm the fuck down, it's only a guitar." Matt said to me. "JUST GET OUT" "Bro don't shout at me or else" "OR ELSE WHAT MATTIE?" *PUNCH*

"I told you not to shout at me Bri, don't think about texting me neither, you don't treat a girl like that so I'm done with this shit."

Him and the others left and it was just me and Kim. Kim was sat on the floor crying her eyes out, what the fuck have I done, I have just ruined our relationship. "Kim ba-" "Don't fucking touch me Brian, I'm going to pack my things and leave for a few days." Last time she did this, she ended up in a car accident and I can't see that happen again. "Babe wait..." "It's too late Brian, you obviously don't love me as much as I love you and you prefer being GAY with Zacky." "Babe..." "Stop calling me babe, I'm not your fucking babe anymore, you just broke up with me and now I'm going to stay with my parents.

"Goodbye Brian" she said as she walked out the door. What the fuck have I just done, I've let the best thing of my life go. I went over to the couch and sat down, I looked on the table and saw the photo frame with me and her in. I started hugging it and started crying. Why am I such an idiot? I got a tissue out of the tissue box and wiped my nose, I complete forgot Matt punched me so I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see a monster staring back at me. I cleaned up my nose and laid on the bed. The thoughts of me and Kim kept running through my head. I'm such an idiot and then all of a sudden I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and checked my phone, 3 miss calls from Zacky, 2 texts from Jimmy and 1 Facebook message from Johnny. Nothing from Kim or Matt which I didn't expect. Holy shit I thought.


Zacky's POV

Brian pick up your phone for fucks sake. I kept ringing and ringing but everytime it would say the same thing. This caller isn't available at this time, call back later.

I know I ruined his relationship with Kim but it doesn't mean I don't still care about him. He is my bestfriend and I don't want him to get hurt. I shouldn't of done what I did but I couldn't resist.

I gave Jimmy a ring to see if he was busy, Wendy still wasn't talking to me and left to clear her head. "What's up Jimmy, you busy?" "Hey dude and not at the moment, do you want me to come over?" "Yes if that's okay with Becca" I replied. I got off the phone and walked downstairs. The whole house was silent and I hated being alone. I heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. I thought it was going to be Jimmy but too my surprise it was someone completely different.

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