12| Carnival Crash

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Guys!!! Thank you so much for 1k!!TT It means so much to me.


Y/n's Pov :

I let a small sigh and then ate. Then again, I took a deep breath in. Taeyong was utterly disturbed by my actions but that was what I wanted. He looked at me and fold his arms. I didn't meet his gaze. I looked down at my food pretending not to look at him.

He placed his chopsticks down and gave me an intense stare. Which I ignored.

"Ahem! Is there anything you want to say?" He finally said it out.

"Huh? Me?" I looked up.

Nice going, y/n.

"Don't Huh me, young lady. Spit it out." He fired at me.

I wouldn't doubt that he noticed it because he is, you know, observant. I threw my hand off the table and kept them on my sides.

"Uhm. It's just that, tonight I might be late and miss my curfew." I said. It's hard to talk to Taeyong especially when it comes to curfews and chores. He doesn't like it when I mess them up, which hasn't happened yet. He really has a core of a mother.

Blah Blah Blah.

"Get to the point." He said.

"I am going over my friend's for some work."I lied.

I was actually going over to Yeri's place because she insisted me on learning how to cook since I am living with a male and it's a shame that I don't cook. So she invited me over. And I had to keep it from him.

"Is it that guy we met few weeks back? Is it a date and you're keeping it from me?" He grind his teeth.

"No! Why do think that he's my boyfriend or anything! Don't you not get it?' I said as I stood up.

"And his name is Donghyuck. Didn't I mention it?"

He sat still. "Yes, you did mentioned it and no, I don't get it. I don't get it why you have to lie to my face." His face expressed no emotions.

"It's clear that you're lying."

"Fine. Then don't get it. Thank you for the breakfast." I said and stormed off my chair.
I went into my room and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door and closed my eyes.

What was that back there? I questioned myself for being so stupid. My stubborness and lack of control over my feelings is just pathetic. I made a fool of myself and acted childlike.

I pressed my head against the now shut door and started to take deep breaths.

Why don't he simply get it?

I changed into my uniform and walked out of the house without telling him. As I walked the way to school, I opened my phone and typed.

People do change as seasons change. But in these hopes, Mayline believed that they'd come back as season do.

Without any hesitation, I posted this on my message board. I shut my phone and kept it on my bag.
The road to school felt longer than usual today. It's funny how our mood can change the scenario of everything around us. I kept walking my way.

"Y/n?" A voice called as a figure stood ahead of me.

Lucas. It was him.

"Hey?" I said as he ran down towards me. He stood as tall as he would. "Hi. Going alone to school?"
He asked. I gave him a shrug and pulled up bag up.

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