Hello there (the angel from my nightmare)(Authors note)

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It's been awhile, hasn't it? 

Is anyone still here? haha *this is totally nervous laughter*

I never expected to take this long of a break from writing, honestly. I'm sure you all are sick of the authors notes with me explaining things, my apologies. 

There is honestly not enough time in the world to juggle all of the things that I want/need to get done in one day, but writing isn't something that I want to shove aside and that's exactly what I've seemed to do. 

Life changed for me in more ways than I expected in 2018 and I guess sometimes we need to just live life and figure out wtf is going on. 

Heartbreak. Love. Busy Schedule. School. Work. 

All of these things crashed into my life in what seemed like at once, but isn't that how life usually goes? 

I have missed writing so so so much even though it was not a priority for awhile in my life. I never wanted writing these stories to become something that felt like a hassle or a job, I wanted to write because I enjoyed every single second of doing it, and for awhile there I lost that passion. Essentially, I lost myself there for awhile. 

I hope you all are doing well. 

I feel like I've grown a lot over the months I've been gone, I've worked on healing. I've fallen in love. I've started doing things for my future, and so much more.

I'm not going to promise an update at a certain point in time because life right now is unpredictable with my schedule, and that's not fair to you all, BUT Autumn Martin holds a very very special place in my heart and I just can't let go of her or this story. 

I appreciate you all and your kind words so much, you really honestly have no idea. 

Thank you

Court xx 

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