× Chapter 2 - A connection ×

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by @tt10500

Each time he passed me and said hi, I felt a rush up my spine. I would wait to 'coincidentally' bump into him and talk. 

He looked at the list and nodded towards Youjung's direction. 

"Cool team," he said, still nodding. "We're gonna win this, so let's start with soccer training."

"Yeah right," I giggled sarcastically to myself. "Not with me in this team"

The lunch bell rang and they headed back to class. I went onto finishing the crew's makeup for our school musical which would last a few more days and nights.

Sonny made a group chat on KLtalk regarding the soccer team that night, and added me in. Again, it had been over 2 years since I had spoken with Jinyoung, so we hadn't exactly followed each other. I had liked him back in sixth grade and after, I had completely lost and forgot my feelings for him over the past two years. My feelings for him back then were kept as a secret that no one knew of.

Sometime earlier during March, he had looked at my story without following me. At least follow me if you're gonna look at my story I thought. He spoke on the group chat first.

"Hey." He texted. The others weren't on, and I had already seen his text. It was too late to avoid it. 

"Heyo." I texted back. Oh my god  I thought to myself again. What kind of idiot says 'heyo'?

I was still at school doing the crew's makeup for the main cast in the school's musical, so I was hardly free until I had finished everyone's makeup. An hour flew by quickly, and I had finished. 6:15, the time on my phone read. I immediately jumped onto the group chat, and by then the chat was active.

"Guys let's FaceTime," Sonny texted. My hair was a mess from running around the hall preparing for costumes all day, so I quickly fixed myself up with my cosmetics and my hair curler. I jumped onto the facetime call and looked directly into Jinyoung's camera. We all talked for nearly an hour, until the only people that were still on were Youjung, Jinyoung and I. I was now waiting outside of school waiting for my dad's car to arrive.

"So...you're still at school?" Jinyoung asked me.

"Oh? Yeah," I answered. "I've finally finished."

"Were you that busy?" he questioned again. "What scenes are you acting in?"

Oh boy, I thought. He must've thought I had some really important role in acting on the musical, lmao. That's cute. What a bummer if I told him I was just doing the crew's makeup and hair. Disappointment, sigh. I laughed and spoke the truth.

"Haha, my role isn't that important," I laughed it off. "I'm only doing the crew's makeup and hair..."

"Ohh..." he slightly laughed. He tried to hide his disappointment and gave a little laugh. "I see, I see."

Suddenly, Youjung gave a cough. "Jiyoo, hold your phone a little higher so I can see your hair."

I held my phone higher, aware of the fact Jinyoung was also looking. He tilted his head back and smiled a little.

"Your hair looks better straight," Youjung said, sarcastically. She left the call and quickly responded with 'I have to go and study now.' We all texted her bye and kept talking.

My feelings for him didn't arise then. I was pretty bad at knowing when I had liked someone. Back in sixth grade, I hadn't realised I liked him after maybe two-ish terms? I shrugged the thought off. Suddenly, a silver car beeped at me. It was my dad's car.

"See you later," I told Jinyoung. Man, I wanted to talk to him more, but my dad arrived early and killed my precious time.

"See you too," he answered back. 

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