× Chapter 3 - Head over heels ×

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by @tt10500

For some reason I pondered, a lot about you. You were my 24/7 thoughts. What i wouldn't know was that these developing feelings would soon be for you.

Over the next few days, all we did was talk, eat and facetime. I grasped every second of my study time to talk with them, and especially Jinyoung. I would text them before school, during school, after school, straight after eating dinner, and once again at night. He had finally followed me on KLtalk after years. I looked at his profile all night, and remembered his username, "JJYOUNG24."

They facetimed at night and spoke about gaming, food and stalking each other's personal lives, such as where they all lived.

I couldn't talk as my parents had sensitive ears, so all I could do was giggle and whisper a few sentences.

"Lol Jiyoo, why aren't you talking?" Sonny asked. I texted on the chat that I couldn't speak as my parents would hear.

"Dude sad," Jinyoung replied. "My parents don't care that I'm facetiming and they can't hear me either."

They went on talking throughout the night, and I, answering their questions through text when Jinyoung asked us if we were up for training on a Saturday afternoon. We all agreed to meet at the park and train. He then privately messaged me for my number to contact me. Did he just ask me for my number? omo, oh my, i thought. Just when I was about to give my number to him, a text from him popped up. 

"I'm going to call you," he texted. "Just to see that it's not some Dominoes pizza number," he joked. 

"W-wait don't call me yet," I said as I rushed to find my earphones. I hoped the vibration of the call wouldn't be heard by my parents. 

He took the call and said a big loud "HELLoo? Is this Jiyoo?" This was the first time he had called me, and for me to receive his number. Wait, i thought. Did he even have a phone back then?  That didn't matter either way, as I couldn't even speak to say it was me. So instead, I giggled to assure him and it was me. 

The next day at school, I waited outside Youjung's math class for her to come out. I had completely forgotten that Jinyoung was in her maths class, furthermore that he would be coming out. As I walked into her class, he came out as well. We had blocked each other's paths. 

"O-Ohh.." I looked up and mumbled. This was the first time I had said anything to Jinyoung in real life, after two years, and the first words were "Oh." 

"Hi." he said, perfectly clean without mumbling. He then walked off and disappeared. Damn, i should've at least said hi back. I went into the classroom and helped Youjung carry her textbooks. 

I had my last period (class) of the day in the library. What I didn't know was that Jinyoung also had his class in the library too, and his bag was on top of mine, on a rack. As I went to collect my bag at the end of the day, he came as well. He was a lot taller than me and smiled down. 

"Hey," he said with a slight smile. I was too astounded to say anything, but I blinked to reality and finally managed to say hi.  

"Hey," I said back. I had finished putting textbooks into my bag but he had encircled me as his bag was on top. He was still putting something in his bag, so I awkwardly pretended to find something in my bag to spend more time being surrounded by him. 

That moment faded quickly as Sonny came by and grabbed me out. 

"Oi, you walking at the back today?" he asked. Seriously?! That moment with him and I was like fate and he had completely ruined it. Grr Grr

"Yeah." I grumbled. "I am!" 

I waved back and smiled to Jinyoung. 

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