× Chapter 4 - Replacing lost time ×

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by @tt10500

A person's heart is the same as a butterfly.

 If you try to catch it by force, it'll run away.

Saturday came by quickly. Many people from our soccer team bailed out to come, and so it was just Sonny, Jinyoung and I. As I walked out of my house to the park, he called me. He asked where I was, and kept talking with me until I reached the park. 10 minutes passed by, and there was no sight of them. As I went to leave I saw a familiar face walking towards the park - from school, primary school? High school? Swimming? Art? He just looked really familiar. I stopped in my tracks and decided to sit and wait for them.

Just as I was about to call Jinyoung, Sonny, the familiar face guy and another guy from primary school were walking towards the field. You jerks, I thought. Why didn't you call me?

"Sonny you traitor," I called out while walking to them. "You should've called me. Where's Jinyoung?"

"Here," he raised a hand from in front. He was wearing a white shirt with shorts and a cap. "We were gonna wait until you saw us, but we decided to make you wait ha ha."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the others.

"And...what are these people doing here?" I asked. Clearly, it was meant to be a 'Clemente Cup team' not a 'random boys soccer meet up.' I shook my head as I realised they were their friends. As expected, I was the only girl to train. How awkward.

We started off with soccer drills and defending the goal.

"Don't worry I got your back," Jinyoung said. He tried scoring a goal. I managed to burst out laughing when the ball hit the pole instead of the goal. But again, of course I couldn't do any better. I couldn't even aim to shoot, lol. For the rest of the two hours we trained, all they did was collect the balls that I couldn't aim at, and had backwards running races. Yes, backwards running races existed, and I of course had won.

The day ended nicely with a few splashes of water from the bubblers. Just as I was about to leave, someone called out my name. I turned around. It was Jinyoung.

"Wait Jiyoo..." He called out. I stopped in my tracks, once again. "No nevermind..."

"What?" I asked. I like you? Good game? Good day today? I thought to myself. Man, I really hated cliffhangers.

"Sorry, if it was awkward today..." he spilled.

Ahh, it was about the only girl situation? LOL, jokes. Of course, what was I expecting? I giggled a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked, after seeing me laugh to myself. "Was what I said funny?"

"No...nothing nevermind." I smiled. "It's okay, it was pretty fun today actually."

We then said our goodbyes and headed home.

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