× Chapter 6 - The confession ×

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by @tt10500

Lets have no regrets when today has gone by

So that time can't tear us apart

The after school bell rang and Youjung tugged at my shoulder. 

"Sorry Jiyoo I can't come today to chicken salt because I have piano." Youjung said, out of breath while trying to get my attention. "I'll make it up to you another day."

Again, the rest of them had bailed out. Why? Because they had 'excuses.' In the end, it was just Sonny, Jinyoung and I. A g a i n. I texted Sonny first to tell him the rest had other stuff to do, so it was just us and Jinyoung. I walked up to the front of the school and met with them. They were a lot taller than me and walked faster in front of me, technically leaving me out. What was this bromance?

I was thinking about the confession - how would I tell him? Should I do it now? I'm too shy too...Would this be too much of a rush? My head filled up with the most doubtful and negative thoughts ever until suddenly, Sonny ran away. I looked up ahead. Literally, he just ran away. So. It was just Jinyoung...and I.

"What the hell Sonny where are you going...?" Jinyoung shouted, calling out into the distance where Sonny had disappeared. Was Sonny doing this on purpose? Perhaps he knew I liked Jinyoung but he didn't know that I was going to confess...

"So...um what spring sport did you chose?" Jinyoung asked, breaking the silence.

"Umm...yoga," I responded. "I was too lazy to do anything this term and I hate the hot whether...you?"


It was silent again. Okay, i'm gonna do it, you can do it! i told myself.

"D-Did Sonny tell you?" I asked. I was hesitating, hesitating so bad that I was back to stuttering the words again. I knew Sonny wouldn't tell him, but I used it so I could bring the topic up.

"Tell me what?" He questioned. "What?"

I had no choice but to tell him now. Here it goes...

"T-That..." I started off. "That I like you..."

My heart raced faster than a fired accelerator. I said the second line in haste, knowing that it was to get it over and done with.

I was in awe- this was my first confession. I had only ever seen confessions done in kdramas, where the boy had confessed in some way where it was successful. Now, I was in that position and I had hoped it would be too.

"You do?" Jinyoung asked. He sounded shocked and slightly laughed. "I don't know what to say..."

Of course he didn't know what to say. He wasn't good at anything to do with girls- talking or complimenting, and now here he was, confronted with a confession. Good on you Jiyoo. I didn't say anything and just gave a small laugh.

It went dead silent. We were still walking to the chicken salt shop and there was still no sign of Sonny.

"Oh please..." I wished. "Just say something- no anything to break this silence."

Like I wished, he broke the silence. But in a really awkward way.

"Lets run and find Sonny." He said and starting jogging ahead. He still hadn't answered my confession but I didn't want to hear anything. He was probably too flustered, so I ran down with him. We had made it to the shops and Sonny wasn't there. His phone had died too. So much for perfect timing, i thought.

I brought out my laptop.

"Do you want to charge it?" I asked. "Your phone."

"Hm? Oh yeah ok thanks." he nodded. His phone didn't charge long. He took it off when it got to 3% and suggested to search for Sonny.

We searched around stores to see if Sonny would be around but there was no sign of him. He didn't pick up his phone either. Was this his plan? Was he spying on us somewhere?

We didn't end up buying anything from the shops and just sat down on the grass near the bus stop. Finally. He came. Sonny.

"What the hell bro where did you just disappear off to?" Jinyoung asked and then joked. "Thought you were dead."

"Lol," Sonny joked. He didn't answer the question properly. "Just around."

I walked behind them, as we all headed home after spending what felt like years trying to find Sonny. Sonny hadn't known I had confessed so I was glad it wouldn't be awkward for Jinyoung.

We had reached the main road, where I had to turn into for my dad to pick me up. Usually, he didn't pick me up on a Tuesday, but I insisted to in case something awkward had happened between Jinyoung and I. Sonny walked home most days and Jinyoung walked home every Tuesday and Thursday after school. He pressed the traffic lights and waited.

"I'm going now," I waved. "See you later."

"Oh you're not walking?" They both questioned at the same time. "I thought you walked home?"

"Not today," I said, giving a slight smile. They both waved at me goodbye and I promised myself not to look back. I couldn't believe it- I had just confessed?! What am I doing? There is no way I had just did that. No way.

I pressed the traffic lights and waited, rethinking what had happened. It would be a long day...

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