× Chapter 10 - Empathy ×

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by @tt10500

May our story be a dream that we can't wake up

'Tomorrow' came by quickly. I rushed over to the outside of the sports schedules. He was there and waved at me. I hid the case behind my back and hurried to him.

"What's this?" he asked, at the wrapped present I handed him.

"Change your phone case," I said while looking at his shabby phone case. It was worn out a lot.

"Why did you give it to me?" he asked. Why not lol? "You're too nice..."

"It's fine, jeez just take it while I give it to you." I commented back. He took it gratefully and smiled.

| later that afternoon |

I was walking home through the back when I spotted Sonny. My tired, short legs wouldn't give in so I ran to him.

"Oi," I yelled out to him. It seemed like he was in a rush to run to the bus stop.

"Oh," his first word poured out. He seemed slightly disappointed.

"What's with the face?" I asked.

"Just..." he started. "You know how you confessed to Jinyoung yeah? I think he's changed because of that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, in confusion.

"He feels better after you confessed...like that he will have a girlfriend soon..."

My heart dropped as I stopped in my tracks and raised a brow.

"What?" I asked once again.

"I didn't wanna tell you this," he started. "I think he may like another girl he has never talked to, i'm not sure."

My head started spinning. This was exactly what I feared.

"How do you know?"

"He told his friend Hyunmin, and Hyunmin told me." he said. I took a deep breath in.

"Don't worry you may need some time to get over him..." he started again. "You'll get over him eventually. Want ice cream?"

I bit my lip and lied.

"I'll get over him soon," I said. "It's too cold for ice cream."

It was actually burning hot. My face was red and hot from walking under the scorching sun. I wanted to just run home and cry over kdramas.

"You're probably lying aren't you?" he asked. "I felt sorry that's all."

"I-I'm not lying," I lied.

Thankfully his bus arrived as soon as we reached the traffic lights. All I could do now was take in all the words he said and repeat them in my mind.

"He likes someone else. Idk who though but he's never talked to her."

Why was I doing this to myself? I was practically taking in pain and torturing myself with it. I wanted to just disappear from life and never appear again.

As I got home I repeated what Sonny had said, over and over again. It was stuck in my head. I kept thinking about it- the fact that Jinyoung hadn't 'accepted' my confession. He had just left me there to my own misery. It all made sense now. I felt like a fool.

| later that night |

Like I planned I cried over the sad moments in kdramas. The deaths, the rejections and the one sided love. I had no one to express these feelings to- as no one would understand.

I received a notification from him. It was a reply to my story. I had almost forgotten I had posted a selfie with friends before I was told the whole situation.

"Cute~," he wrote.

I immediately deleted the selfie and wrote back to him.

"You know..." I started off. "If you like someone you should go for it and not like someone back."

"Yeah," was all he said.

"Then go for it." I replied back. My next words were the last thing I had wanted to say to him.

"I'm leaving my feelings as friends," I said. "Give me time, i'll get over you."

"Yeah sorry i'm retarded I was unsure what do to but now i'm clear," he texted back. "It's just that i'm a bit shy."

I left him on seen for the rest of the night and stuffed myself with food. I had to admit food was the best boyfriend who understood you without needing to say anything.

It was soon Sunday night.

Notification from @JJYOUNG24

I opened his message.

"I've been thinking about our relationship and I like you," he said. "Can we restart?"

Relationship? What relationship? Did he mean my one sided relationship? Did he just confess online?

I was half surprised. I knew I would never get a confession that was in real life where the person had really meant it. After all, I had followed my friend's advice on confessing first and in real life. She had gotten what I had wanted- no, she had pushed me in my wrong steps. I had followed Youjung's advice to confess first and in real life, and this is where it had leaded me to. I was at a dead end. With nowhere to go.


Hey everyone! Tammie here~

i've been a little inactive sorry but hopefully it'll be okay because I have less and less views nowadays. I have a few exams now, but after I promise I will be updating often!

Share to me your experiences/ ideas about your love life! I'd love to know what's happened!

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thanks for the love ~

Tammie xx

to your smile so bright || jung jinyoung Where stories live. Discover now