Adoption and Home

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HE'S ADOPTING ME! Nate walks in as the video finishes. I look up to see him smiling like crazy. I run over to him and jump in his arms. We both stay like that, hugging each other, laughing like crazy people. Then I think of something.

"Hey, Nate?" I ask


"Why did you chose me? Out of all the kids here, why me?" He thinks for a minute.

"You connected to me. You remind me of me. Plus, you're the only one here who knows who I am." I smile and hug him again. Then we break apart and he helps me pack. He carries my bag to the car.

"Oh, wait. I forgot my laptop. I'll be right back." Then I run back to my room. As I'm running back, I trip on something. More like someone. Blake stuck his foot out. Before I can get up, he puts his foot on my back, stepping hard on it.

"What, poor Jazz can't get up. I wonder why," He sneers.

I assume push up position and push him off of me. He falls to the ground and I run to my room. I grab my laptop from under my pillow and my earbuds. I then open my bedroom window and jump out. I run from the side of the building to the front. Nate is sitting in the front, waiting patiently for me. I jump in the front seat.

"Why are you so outta breath? And why did you come from the side of the building?" He asks, confused.

"I'll tell you in a min-"

"JAZZ! GET BACK HERE! WE AREN'T DONE YET!" Blake yells as he storms out the front doors

"Hold on," I say to Nate. I get out of the car and punch Blake square in the jaw. I then get back in the car to find a wide mouthed Nate.

"Nate?" I say, waving my hand in front of his face.

"Whaa? Oh right," He says. We both buckle and drive off. I fall asleep and have another nightmare.


My dad has my mom pinned up against the wall with a knife at her throat. He then steps away. My mom then tries to step forward and he throws the knife in her direction. It misses her but pins her shirt to the wall, nicking her shoulder, making her to scared to move.

"Move and inch and that won't miss next time. It will hit it's target next time." My dad says, snickering evilly while walking away while my mom cries her eyes out with blood dripping down her shoulder.

End of Nightmare

(Nate's Pov)

Jazz comes running from the side of the building. She hops in the front seat.

"Why are you so outta breath? And why did you come from the side of the building?"

"I'll tell ya in a min-"

"JAZZ! GET BACK HERE! WE AREN'T DONE YET!" Blake yells as he storms out the front doors.

"Hold on," Jazz says as she gets out of the car. I want to reach out and hold her back, but I know she can take care of herself. She gets out and punches Blake square in the jaw. My jaw literally drops as she gets in.

'She's such a badass!'

"Nate?" She asks as she waves her hand in front of my face. Apparently I zoned out.

"Whaa? Oh, right," I say as we both buckle up. I start the engine and drive off. About 10 minutes later, she falls asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I pull into the driveway. I unbuckle and look over to Jazz. I notice she is shivering but sweating. Nightmare.

"Jazz, Jazz, wake up. It's just a nightmare. Wake up. Jazz?" I say as I shake her shoulders. She sits upright and takes deep breath. I release her shoulders and pat her back.

"Are you ok, Jazz?" I ask. She just nods. She unbuckles and leaves the car. I open my door and go to the trunk. I get her backpack and carry it to the door.

I unlock it and she walks in, amazed at everything in sight. First is the living room, with the T.v. on the left wall and the couches facing it. In front of the doorway is the kitchen with a bar to eat at. Next is the stairs, which is in between the kitchen and living room. The bedrooms are up there.

"Whoa." She says.

"Yeah. Let me direct you to your room, m'lady," I say teasingly, bowing while holding my arm out. She smiles and links her arm through mine.

"I would love to my good sir." We both laugh as I lead her upstairs. I show her her room. She looks around and smiles. It has bright white walls with black curtains.

She jumps on the bed then collapses. My smile fades as I run over to her and realize she's just asleep. My smile returns. I put her under the covers and leave the room, closing the door.

(Jazz's Pov)

He brings me upstairs and shows me my room. My jaw drops and I jump on the bed, then fall asleep while falling onto the bed. Must've scared dad. Anyway, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up and look at the time on the alarm clock next to my bed. It's 9:45. Well, why don't I try to fall back asleep. I close my eyes and immediately drift back to sleep, but it comes with another nightmare.

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