Day With Dad

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I walk into the school and am immediately swarmed by 5 familiar faces.

"Are you ok?" Alex asked worriedly.

"How ya doing?" Sarah asks. The rest ask similar questions.

"I'm fine. Really. I just needed a brace, but I'm ok. Here let me show you." I turn around and lift my hair. The bruise had just faded yesterday.

"Wow," Elise says. We all catch up then we start walking over to music. Today were going to just sing our favorite song with a group of 5 or 6. Adam, Jake, Sarah, Alex, Elise, and I decided to be a group.

"Alright, at the same time, say your favorite singer. 1, 2,3!"

"NATEWANTSTOBATTLE!" Everyone says. We all smile.

"You know, you have the same name as Nate's adopted daughter." I smile.

"I know and I love it!"

"Ok, let's all say our favorite song. 1, 2, 3!"

"PHANTOM!" We all smile again. We decide who sings which parts and we practice for a little bit.

"Jazz's group, you're up next."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow, that was amazing. You know, I have a feeling someone would like to come and watch you sing his song." We all smile as the teacher says she will try to contact my dad. It will be funny when I tell them who my dad is. I just don't want to. Not yet. It's gonna be a surprise. My teacher picks up the phone and dials in a number. A few minutes later she sets it back down and gets our attention.

"He said he would be here tomorrow." My group celebrates while everyone else just sits there because they're confused on who Nate is. They'll learn soon.

I went to my next classes and next thing I knew, school was over. Dad picked my up and now I'm in the front seat of his car.

"Your music teacher called me today. She said you did a cover of one of my songs today and said it was one of the best things she's heard in a long time." We both smile.

"My friends love your songs. Today, we sang 'Phantom'. One of your original songs. I'm so glad your coming to school tomorrow."

"Yeah, I can't wait. Your friends don't know I'm your dad, right?"

"No, I want it to be a surprise." I smile.

"How do you plan on surprising them?"

"After singing our song in music, I'm going to say 'That was the song Phantom, written by my dad.'" We both smile and laugh as we imagine the other kids faces when they hear that.

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Instead of dad dropping me off like he usually does, he parks the car and he walks into to the office while I head to class. My desk is in the back corner. My only five friends fill up the entire front row. Twenty minutes into the class, Nate walks in and talks to the teacher.

"Students, this is Mr. Sharp, or as some of you may know him, Natewantstobattle. If you watch him, then you know he has an adopted daughter. He has told me and asked me not to announce who they are but let's just say she is in this class. Mr. Sharp will be sitting in the back, helping anybody with anything." Nate walks up to me and pulls up a chair behind me.

"Hey dad," I whisper.

"Hey angel. Need help?"

"Yes. Math sucks. Algebra sucks even more." We smile and he pulls up his chair next to mine. He explains it a little to me and I understand it better now.

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