Feeling Okay

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I close the door to dad's room and head back down stairs. I walk up to Uncle Mark.

"Were gonna get going," Alex says. "Bye," I say. They all nod and walk out the door. I go and sit down on the couch next to Uncle Mark.

"Do you think that dad will be better in the morning?" I ask. He smiles, probably because I called Nate 'dad'.

"Most definitely." All of a sudden we hear a thud come from the kitchen.

"Purp? PURP! Babe!" Uncle Mark, Uncle Mat, Auntie Steph, Alex, Jake, Adam, Sarah, Elise, and I run into the kitchen to see Purp and Dark on the ground. Purp is on the ground unconscious while Dark is on his knees cupping his face, tears running down his face. Uncle Mark, Uncle Mat, Auntie Steph and I look at each other and we race up the stairs to dad's room. We burst through the door and see dad still laying in bed. I walk over to the right side of the bed where I left him and check for a pulse. Stable. I then check his breathing by putting the side of my hand under his nose. I don't feel anything.

"Uncle Mark, dad's not breathing." Uncle Mark looks at Uncle Mat. He nods and closes his eyes. Brown particles surround him. A second later, MadPat is standing next to Uncle Mat in his bear costume. His hair is plastered against his forehead. Unlike the one video he was in, his eyes were normal. No crazy look in them. He walks up to dad and slams his fist down on his chest. Dad shoots up from the bed, his hands flying to his chest, coughing hard. MadPat hits him hard on the back twice. Dad's coughing seizes; his eyes watering. I run towards him and envelop him in a hug. We hear footsteps running up the stairs.

"Purp's awake. Thank you. He should join Nate's body soon so nothing like this happens again." We nod. Dark runs back down stairs. He comes back a second later, bridal style carrying Purp in his arms. Dad lays back down as Dark sets Purp down next to him. Dark leans down and gives Purp a quick kiss, then takes a step back. A couple seconds later, Purp turns into purple particles and joins dad, his back arching painfully, then he relaxes. Same happens with Dark and MadPat, just black and brown and no painful back arching. 

"Goodbye." We hear all three sides voices say, combined. I check dad and find that everything is stable and he's asleep. I kiss his forehead and leave the room, being followed by Mat, Steph, and Mark. Uncle Mark closes the door and we head back downstairs. We all sit on the couch and sigh. I head to the T.V. and pick up Mario Kart. I turn to them.

"Shall we?" They all smile and nod. I turn on the Wii and the remotes and sit back down on the couch. I hand out the remotes and boot up the game. GAME ON.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

An hour later, I had won all the races. Everyone was so tired they just decided to stay the night again. Mark decided to sleep on the couch while Mat and Steph slept in the guest room. I went to dad's room. He was still asleep. I walked up to dad and kissed his forehead.

"Good night dad," I whisper.

"Good night angel," I hear him mumble. I smile and head to my room. I close my door and change into my pajamas which is a black shirt with Septiceye Sam on it with red and black checkered pants to represent Uncle Mark's lucky flannel. I jump in bed and close my eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I wake up the next morning and rub the sleepiness from my eyes. I change into a white shirt with two blue stripes and blue jeans with a red and black flannel wrapped around my waist. I walk out of my room and head to dad's room. He's still asleep. I walk downstairs and see Uncle Mark asleep on the couch. I go to the kitchen and make 10 pancakes, 2 for each person. As I finish the last pancake, Mark wakes up and comes to the kitchen. I hand him two pancakes and head to the fridge to get syrup and milk. I pour a glass of milk and hand that and the syrup to him.

"Thank you sweetie." I smile. I set out three more plates of pancakes and glasses of milk. I grab the last plate of pancakes, the last glass of milk, and the syrup and walk up the stairs to dad's room to see him sitting up in bed on his phone. I set down the items on his nightstand and turn to leave. I feel something grab my wrist and I turn around. Dad is smiling.

"You didn't have to do this. I should've made breakfast." His eyes have a remorseful look in them.

"It's ok dad. You needed the rest." He smiles sadly and picks up his food. I climb in bed with dad and we talk for awhile.

(Nate's Pov)

I finish my pancakes and milk and set it down on the nightstand. I look over to my right and see Jazz asleep. I smile and kiss her forehead. She is leaning against the headboard so I maneuver her so she's laying down and I pull the covers on top of her. I slowly get up so I don't hurt myself and pick up the plate, glass of milk, and syrup. I go down stairs and put the plate and glass in the sink and the syrup in the fridge.

"Hey Nate, feeling better?" I turn around and look at the island containing Mark, Mat, and Steph.

"Yeah, much better. Thanks for watching Jazz while I was 'out'. Even if it were for like 2 hours." We all smile and chuckle.

"Anytime Nate," Mat says.

"Where is she anyway?" Marks asks.

"Upstairs in my room. Come on, It's adorable," I say, gesturing them to follow me upstairs. They all nod and get up. They follow me upstairs and we sneakily creep into my room. I forgot to turn the T.V. off but Jazz is still asleep. They all take out their phones and take pictures. I smile and go up to her and kiss her forehead again. We head back down stairs.

"I should go. Jack might wonder why I didn't return to the hotel last night." I wave as he picks up his keys and walks to the front door. "Yeah, we should go too. He's our ride anyway." Steph adds. Mat nods and both of them walk to the front door. "Alright guys, see ya later." They nod and leave. I go up to the door and lock it. I then sit on the couch and watch T.V.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I check the time on my phone. 2 HOURS! I'VE BEEN WATCHING T.V. FOR 2 HOURS? It's noon. I shake myself out of my daze and I get up off of the couch. I walk upstairs and check on Jazz. She's still asleep but she'll be starving if she wakes up any later. I sit on the edge of bed and shake her gently.

"Jazz? Jaazzz. Wake up my little angel." She slowly opens her eyes and sits up. She rubs the sleepiness out of her eyes. "Mornin' dad," She says. "Actually afternoon. You want some lunch?" Her eyes widen and she nods. I smile and we walk downstairs, not before I turn off the T.V. I walk to the kitchen and make 2 turkey, cheese, and mayo sandwiches. I hand her her sandwich and sit down on the stool by the island to the left of her.

"Have a good nap?" She nods, her mouth stuffed with sandwich.

'Can I come out?' Purp asks.

'Why not?'

I take a deep breath. Jazz looks at me and must realize what I'm about to do because she looks worried.

"Don't. It'll hurt you," She says worriedly.

"Don't worry. It will hurt, but not enough to make me pass out. Letting him out both times yesterday let my body adjust to having him out," I say. She nods, but still looks at me skeptically. I close my eyes. I feel him leave me and I feel a little tired, but definitely not as bad as yesterday. I open my eyes to see Purp sitting on the stool to the left of me.

"Hello Nate, Jazz. How's your day?" Purp asks.

"Good," Jazz says.

"Jazz, would you like to play something?" She thinks for a minute.

"Yeah. Why not?" Both get up and head to her room, leaving me here alone. Lovely. I get up and pick clean up for half an hour. Then I remember that I still have a song I need to record. I also still have to go to the gym. I call up my friends and walk upstairs to Jazz's room. I walk in and see them playing FNAF.

"Hey Jazz." Her and Purp turn to look at me.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"I remembered that I need to upload and go to the gym. I'll be gone for a little bit. Listen to Purp, ok?" She nods and they go back to playing FNAF. I walk downstairs and head to the garage. I open it up before I start the engine because I could suffocate to death and that would not be good for my health. I turn the key in the ignition and shift gears. I pull out and head to the studio.

Fallen Angel's ProtectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang