Somebody New

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I pull into the garage and turn off the engine. I get out of the car and close the garage door. I head back inside and hear an ear shattering scream coming from Jazz's room. I shove my keys in my pockets and sprint up the stairs to her room. I burst through her door and see her and Purp laughing and rolling on the floor. I look at the computer and see the FNAF 'GAME OVER' screen. I look back at them with a 'Really?' face.

"Alright, who got you?" Purp wheezes.

"Foxy." I face palm as Jazz and Purp slowly calm down. Eventually they can breathe normally and they sit on her bed.

"You hungry?" I ask. They both nod hard. "Purp, come on, time to come back inside me." They both look at me weirdly. Then I realize what I said. "I'm never gonna talk again." We all chuckle. Then I close my eyes and feel a dull pain in my chest. I open my eyes again and Purp is gone. Jazz and I walk downstairs and I check the time. 6 o'clock. I turn to Jazz who is sitting at the island.

"How does McDonald's sound?" I ask. Her eyes widen and she nods her head, smiling. I smile as well and we get in the car. I sit in the driver's seat and Jazz sits in the passenger's seat. I get my keys out of my pockets and put them in the ignition. I start the engine, but not before opening the garage. Again, suffocating from carbon monoxide poisoning would not be good for my health. We pull out of the driveway and we head to McDonald's.

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We walk into the kitchen holding the food and we sit down on the couch. I hand her her McDouble and her chocolate shake and I take my Quarter Pounder and vanilla shake. I turn on Soul Eater and lean back on the couch. I look at Jazz and see her taking a sip of her shake. I smile and pick up mine and take a sip along with her. She looks over and smiles behind her straw. An hour later we finish the episode and our food and we throw away our trash.

"It's 8:30, Imma go to bed," Jazz says.

"Ok. Goodnight my little angel."

'Tell her I say goodnight.'

'Will do.'

"Purp also says goodnight." She smiles and heads upstairs. I turn off all the lights and head upstairs. I change into my pajamas, which are a black shirt and the same color sweatpants. I climb under the sheets and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Purp," I murmur.

'Goodnight Nate.'

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(Jazz's Pov)


I slam my hand down on my alarm clock. I sigh and throw the covers off. I change into a Game Theory shirt and FNAF sweatpants. If you can't tell, I have a lot of merch from just about everything I like. I go downstairs and see Nate at the counter. I sneakily creep up behind him and grab his shoulders. He screams and turns around fast. He assumes fighting position and smiles when he sees me sitting on a stool at the island.

"Very funny. Good morning Jazz." We both smile.

"Good morning dad. What's for breakfast?" He thinks.

"Bagels and cream cheese." I nod and make one. About 10 minutes later, I've cooked and put cream cheese on my bagel. I sit back down next to Nate who is drinking his daily coffee.

"Hey dad, when we leaving?" He looks down at his phone. "Right now." I stuff the rest of my bagel in my mouth as Nate cleans out his coffee mug. Then we hop in the car, open the garage, and start up the car. Off to school we go.

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