Chapter 4

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Y/n and Becky went clubbing all night and had a bit too much to drink, Becky had climbed up on the bar and started dancing and singing. Then in an unfortunate twist of events she slipped and fell off of the bar. But she managed to get up fine and they decided it was time to leave after being embarrassed.

"OMG Becky you soooooo could have diEEddddDD!"

"Ha LOL no way... I'M InViNcIBlE!!"



"Imma miss YoUUUU GuUuuURRLlLLLL!"

"Lol no u"

"You're SoOOoOOo FuNnNNyyYY!"

"Oh look we're home"

You and Becky we're giggling as you fell through the door, and you dragged yourself up the stairs, still laughing and you both flopped onto Becky's bed and fell asleep almost straight away.

You slowly opened your eyes to the bright light shining through the window then you felt a sharp stabbing pain in your head. Ughh HANGOVER.  You HATED hangovers, I mean, doesn't everybody. You pushed yourself up and looked at Becky's alarm clock (that she never used).It was 4 o clock in the evening!! You had slept for thirteen hours, you couldn't believe it! You slowly got off the bed and could barely walk, you went to the bathroom to wash your makeup off and do your morning business. 

After you were all tidied up, you went down stairs and had a coffee, which didn't really help with your migraine or your weak legs.  That's when you decided to go on a hunt for some aspirin or some sort of medication. You literally searched all of her cupboards and couldn't find anything, after not being able to find anything downstairs, you went upstairs to carry out your quest for a simple box of aspirin or something. You still couldn't find anything at all.

"Y/nnnn" you heard Becky whimper softly (for the first time in her life) "What you doinggg?"

"I'M trying to find some fucking aspirin, my head is KILLING me!"

"It's in here, bottom left drawer"

Really? You had searched the whole house in pain and it was in her drawer? You swallowed three pills even though there was strict instructions on the packaging to not have more than two at a time. But at this point you couldn't care less, your head was throbbing with pain.

You had to pack all your stuff today, it was your first day at work tomorrow, and you had A LOT of makeup to get ready. You started by washing your brushes because that didn't really take much effort, except it took ages, because you had 117 different brushes that had different purposes.After an hour of washing brushes, you decided to pack it all away, see you had a fold away trolley that you took with you but before doing makeup, you had to make it neat and tidy and ready for use, which was a nightmare because you had to drag it around with you. However Becky agreed to drop you off, so it wouldn't be as much of a hassle as taking the tube with a massive trolley with you. Then you also had to take all of your clothes, that you put in the suitcase that you took from c/n . 

You had packed all of your stuff away, now it was time for your last McDonald's for a while. You and Becky ordered it through UberEats as you had done for the past three weeks and ate like queens, except it was McDonald's and you were sitting on the floor of Becky's living room, not a throne. After a long night of eating, you went to bed.

You couldn't help but stay up for hours thinking who you were going to be doing makeup on, in only 12 hours, it was probably just some local person filming a short movie, but you hadn't even been told what you have to do yet, or the title or story line of the movie.

You woke up the next morning to the deafening sound of your alarm at 10 am. Your stuff was mostly ready, you only had to get yourself ready now. It suddenly sunk in how lonely you'll be without Becky, you were so dependent on her an nothing could compare to that, but hopefully you'll make some new friends.

"Y/n, it's time to go, tick tock tick tock..."

"Coming! Just a sec!!"

It took about 20 minutes to get there, because of all the morning traffic, but you got there just in time, you looked around and there were so many people around, an oldish man came up to you and said, "Ah, great you must be the makeup artist, your trailer is just there, get your stuff ready, he'll be there in half an hour"



You and Becky gave each other 'that look' that best friends give each other. You hugged her tightly and said bye, she got in the car and winked at me as she drove off. Classic Becky.

You went to your trailer and got everything set up ready for whoever 'he' is. You got ready 15 minutes early, so you decided to look around the trailer you'll be staying in for the next 2-3 weeks. This thing was massive, there was a bathroom with a whole bath in it, a bedroom with a double bed in it, and a kitchen/ living room. It was amazing! Better than anywhere you had lived before.

You heard a knock on the door, which made you jump a little, you walked up to the door, took a deep breath before opening it with a smile....

....and you couldn't believe your eyes, you almost fainted.

*gulp* "Hi... nice to meet you!"

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