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Bilbo now stood between Bofur and Balin. He once again wiped the tears from his eyes. Bofur put a hand on his shoulder,"Your turn lad." Bilbo nodded and walked forward. He looked at Kili, laying perfectly still in the silk laden coffin,"You were a rascal, I hope you know that. I swear half the time, I was going to pull my hai out because of your antics.", his eyes began to water again,"But I admit, I will most definitely miss them, it's going to be quite boring now.", he pulled out three papers and stuck one carefully beside Kili. It was Neana's painting of him smiling.

He smiled and walked I front of Thorin, his crown now free of grime and blood sat upon his head gloriously,"And you Oakenshield, you didn't exactly being out the welcome wagon, but I'm honored to have been in your company. May you find Leicester in the halls of your fathers." He allowed on tear to slide down his cheek as he put Neana's painting of him and his infamous scowl next to Thorin. He moved to the next coffin, this one was bigger due to there being two dwarfs in it.

"Fili, I never really got to know you, but you were a great traveling companion. The way you would tell stories, I would believe I was there.", he placed the last painting beside Fili. When he stood in front of Neana he lost it,"I want to thank you especially Neana. You made me feel the most welcome in the company. You made me laugh all the time, and you brightened everyone's day with just one corny joke. And also, here. I know it's not the best, but I figured you ought to have one to." Bilbo sniffles as he pulled out another paper. He unfolded it, it was a drawing of Neana,"I tried my best, but I guess no ones art could compare to yours.", he smiled and set it beside her.

He stepped back between Balin and Bofur. With a heavy heart, and many tears down his face, he watched his best friends be put in the ground.


Bilbo put down his quill, it was finished. He scratched his head through his now white hair and sat back in his chair. He looked out the window and smiled to himself, he hoped that they will like it. He picked up the picture Neana drew of him one last time before putting it back in the book.

His nephew, Frodo, came up behind you,"Are you finally finished?" Bilbo laughed,"Well someone's impatient, I told you I wanted to get every detail right." Frodo laughed,"Alright, alright I am sorry."

Bilbo smiled and took the picture out and looked at it again. Frodo peered over his shoulder,"That's fantastic! Who drew that?" Bilbo smirked and handed Frodo the book,"See for yourself." Frodo excitedly took the leather bound book and went off into another room.

Bilbo kept smiling and looked up at the sky through his window again,"Thorin, Kili, Fili, and Neana, I hope you except that book as a memory of you. And I would like to thank you one last time, for being my best friends." One small tear fell down his old wrinkled cheek. He got up from his chair, and found his own way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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