GARRENCE - Jacket (old)

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"GARROTH! Give me back my jacket!" Laurence yelled running after the male who had just ran outside with the jacket he took from his best friend.

"Nope!" The blonde yelled running off onto the schools park.

"Garroth! It's freezing out here!" Laurence yelled.

"Fine" Garroth sighed taking off his friends jacket and giving it back.

~time skip to end of day~

"Garroth really?! Again?" Laurence yelled as the blonde male ran out the door with the black and white striped sweater that belonged to Laurence, " well I guess I'm just gonna freeze"

Laurence sighed taking his bag out of his cubby, a blue checkered patterned sweater with a note attached to it fell out.

"What's this?" Laurence asked himself picking up the jacket having the strong sent of expensive cover his nose from the jacket.

'Sorry for booking off with your sweater, I didn't want you to freeze so you can use this one I'll give you your back tomorrow' the note said, Laurence put on the sweater, happy his friend didn't leave him to freeze in the cold with nothing to keep him warm.

~tem skip to when Laurence got home~

"That a different sweater then the one you brought to school with you, it looks really expensive where'd you get it?" Laurence's 'father' asked as Laurence entered the house.

"My friend stole my sweater but he let me borrow his" Laurence said.

"Was It that re'meave kid?" Laurances 'father' asked.

"Yes" Laurance answered.

"Interesting" Laurence's 'father' said, Laurence then left off to his room.

- next day -

"Here" Laurence said handing his friend's jacket back as they walked into the grade 7 class room.

"Thanks, here's yours back as well, by the way sorry if it has a bit of my houses smell on it" Garroth said handing Laurence back his sweater as well.

"It's ok, it's a better Sent then my home anyway" Laurence smiled slipping his jacket on.

"Laurence, because it's Friday wanna see if we could have a sleep over at my place?" Garroth asked.

"Can't, my Dad will just say no, he's not to happy with me hanging out with you cause he thinks that your just one of those people who are like 'I'm so much better then you cause I come from a rich family'" Laurence said.

"We could see if we could have it at your place of your dads ok with it, I mean I could show him that I'm not like that," Garroth said.

"Maybe" Laurence smiled, "I'll text you after school if he says yes"

"Ok" Garroth said before sitting down in his seat.

~~~Time skip to after school (at Laurence's house)~~~

"Hey dad?" Laurence asked walking into the living room where his dad was reading.

"What?" Laurence's dad asked.

"Maybe could my friend Garroth come over for a sleep over?" Laurence asked.

"That rich kid? Laurence, I don't want my house smelling of some over rich I'm so much better then everyone kid" Laurence's dad growled.

"Then can I go over to his place?" Laurence asked.

"No, now go to your room and I no longer want you talking to that kid at all, not even at school" Laurence's dad said.

"Fine" Laurence sighed going to his room.

~~~~2 years later~~~~

"Great I'm gonna be late for my first class and I don't even know where to go" Laurence sighed looking down the school hall that looked more like a maze.

"Hey there Cutey, you seem to be a little lost coul- ouf" a male voice growled behind Laurence du to him elbowing the guy in the chest, a bit of a different sent from the school hit his nose.

"I don't enjoy random strangers calling me cute" Laurence growled.

"Sorry, anyway you seem kinda lost, what's your first class and maybe I can help you get there" the male said as Laurence turned around.

"Why would you care if I get to class on time? Would It make you seem like less of a jerk who calls someone cute even though they don't know them?" Laurence growled.

"I'm sorry about that, I just haven't talked to someone in a long time, and I guess I just failed at talking to you" the male said.

"Oh... well you still shouldn't call people you don't know cute" Laurence said.

"Noted" the guy said, "anyway would you like help finding your class?"

"Well I guess, but don't you have a class as well?" Laurence asked.

"Yeah, but I'd rather help you and not have to deal with needing to pay you back some other way after calling you cute cause you clearly did not like that" the guy said.

"Ok, any way my first class is P.E 10" Laurence said.

"Wait, your in grade 10? Wow did you just move here or something?" The guy asked.

"No, I switched schools from Phoenix drop secondary" Laurence said.

"Oh, that makes sense, anyway names Garroth what's yours?" The guy asked.

"Umm.... I-I'm umm... If you are the Garroth I'm thinking of which would be Garroth Ro'meave I am not aloud to talk to you" Laurence said.

"Wait, please don't run off, why are you not aloud to talk to me?" Garroth asked.

"Why would you care?" Laurence asked.

"Because I care about a lot of people, anyway would your name be Laurence?" Garroth asked.

"Yeah" Laurence said before he was pulled into a hug.

"Laurence, it's been two years since I've last talked to you! It's so good to see you!" Garroth yelled.

"And my dads gonna kill me for taking to you, anyway can you please lead me to my class so I don't get into trouble?" Laurence asked.

"Oh yeah sure" Garroth smiled before leading his friend to his class.

~The end~

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