After high school

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~•Zane's POV•~

My alarm screeched through my room waking me up with the unpleasantness, I hit the circular button on my phone Turing it off, great grade 11 starts now, one year closer to death. I got up to get ready zoning off into thought at I did so.

In about 2 years I'd probably get kicked out of the house, I had no perticular talents, I couldn't focas or socialize... I honestly questioned why my perents though if get anywhere in life, it was clear that Id probably die and go straight to hell, I broke so many rules- such as having intressts in other males, that was a huge sin... Why couldn't I just be completely happy with kawii~chan, she was beautiful.

"GOOD MORNING ZANE!" a blond fuzz of hair blocking my sight snapped me out of my thoughts as I felt something tighten around my waist- Garroth had trapped me in a hug. "Garroth what the hell let go of me! I don't need your stupidness rubbing off on me!" I yelled angerly trying to squerm out of the hug... Although he was way smarter, what I ment would he'd catch stupitidy from me.

"Aww! But it's your first day of grade 11- and I won't be with you to make sure your safe and ok... Make sure vylad's ok and not bullied or hurt!" Garroth said, what ever he was saying not matching up. "He can fend for himself he's smart and has friends," I growl excaping Garroths hug, I walked out of the kitchen, I'd eat lunch, Breck fast wasn't to important.

I grabbed my bag starting to walk to school not wanting to deal with anymore of my family, as I walked I debated taking the bus but then I'd probably have to deal with Travis pratically making out with katylen as kawii~chan squealed about her ship- me not aloud to leave her side as my eardrums burst.

I pulled up my mask as I entered the school grounds, climbing up the staircase I felt my heart start to race- no it wasn't some stupid lovey-dovey poop, I was just lazy and climbing stairs was a lot of work meaning that my heart beat would speed up, luckily I didn't have P.E this year.

I yelped as I felt someone pull me into a head lock, rubbing there nuckle against my forehead. "Ow!" I whined as a headache started to form. "Morning loser" Gean smiles letting me free, I had made friends with him last year though I was more of an entertaining unit for him then a friend.. He basically used me- but hey better then no friends right? "Morning.." I mumbled rubbing my forehead trying to rid of my headache. "How was your summer?" Gene asks. "Not important," I said walking away into the school to head to my home room, to my surprise it was almost full when I got there- apparently everyone wanted to get to school early.

-•time skip•-

I walked into my room, today was boring, there's probably no point in me going though, I know Im not gonna be able to do anything after high school- probably just gonna find a gun, let the bullet go through my head, I'm not a fan of pain, so... That would be a good way to go, my brain would be dead before it had time to react and spread pain... Anyway, I have 2 more years to get what ever I need done in life- which isn't much... I honistly cant even get a job so I don't know why I'm living now...

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