AARMAU- end of it all *old*

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"Aaron! Put me down!" Aphmau squeaked as her boy friend had lifted her off the ground during a hug.

"But your short so I was making you taller," Aaron said before placing Aphmau back down on the ground, not releasing her from the hug.

"This is not the time for that! AARON! We only have like 4 minutes!" Aphmau yelled, "now can we please cuddle on the couch and see if any updates have happened on the news?"

"Fine" Aaron sighed waking over to the couch with Aphmau laying down and cuddling her before turning on the news.

"There is only 3 minutes left before the bomb goes off so please everyone say goodbye to the ones you love and the people around you, now I'm gonna go so I can say goodbye to the people around me" the news said before Aaron turned off the T.v.

"Aphmau, I'm so sorry this is happening but I guess this is good bye..." Aaron said a few tears in his eyes.

"Bye" Aphmau said weakly burying her head into Aaron's chest.

"Bye" Aaron said hugging the small female.

Then the bomb went off exploding the world.

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