A new partnership

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Helloo I don't have much to say except enjoy this chapter

Yao's POV

I danced with the guy. His hands were on my hips while my arms were on his neck. "So what's your name beautiful," he whispered huskily into my ear. "Wouldn't you like to know," I tried to flirt. "Playing hard to get, huh," he said pulling me closer to his chest. I wanted to run away in all honesty. I didn't feel safe like I did in Ivan's arms.

"So are you going to answer me now," he asked huskily and smirked slightly. "Leila Wang, but you could call me Leila," I said looking across the room only to spot Ivan a few feet away from us. He was drinking vodka while eating a little bit of cake. He showed me a thumbs up, making me smile a little.

Suddenly I was pulled into a rough kiss. Before I could do anything the kiss ended. "Why are you looking at him the whole time? He's nothing special. Rather focus on someone better, like me for example," the guy snorted and then chuckled. He spun me around for a couple of seconds and pulled me into a rough kiss again. I didn't kiss back tho. "Aww, don't you want me. A beautiful lady like yourself, belongs with a handsome guy like me," he gestured to me and then to himself.

Once the song ended he took me upstairs. I gave one last glance at Ivan to see him mouthing 'it's going to be okay'. I remembered what Ivan told me in the car while driving here.


It was silent. Not an awkward one like before, more like a calm silence. "Your boss gave you all the information on the guy right?" I asked as I looked at Ivan who was staring out the window deep in thought. "Hmm. Oh yeah. So we are looking for a guy called Allen.G.Franklin(A/N You can see I changed the surname, but it's important for the progress of the story. Just so you understand it's 2p America). He has an ear-, lip- and nose piercings with brown-reddish hair. He has brownish- reddish eyes that matches his hair. He has a thing for any pretty thing in a skirt. Once you distract him I will search his office in search for any proof of the murders or robberies. I will come get you after that. If you need help just say this line,'Back off' or 'not interested'," Ivan explained giving me something that looked like a wireless earphone. "We can communicate through this. Make sure he doesn't know it's there," he said as a calm, but nervous silence fill the room once again.

~Flashback ends~

I was taken to what I guess was the Allen's bedroom. It was huge. It had red velvet carpets and curtains. The room was painted white. The bathroom was to the left side of the room while a closet was at the right side. The window had a great view over the gardens and the night sky.

Before I could talk or do anything I was kissed roughly once again. Allen had his hand on my lower back and his other stroked my torso. I still didn't kiss back tho. He pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. "C'mon Leila, you know you want me," he whispered seductively into my ear and nipped at my neck. I refused to let out any moans. "Aww, you're mean to boss aren't you. You deserve a little punishment don't you~" he said and handcuffed me to the bed throwing the key in another direction. Then he blindfolded me.

He began to kiss me more roughly as he slid his hand under my dress. Once he got to my chest he frowned a little. But immediately went back to his flirty self. "Trying to deceive me are ya. Are you that desperate?" He asked. I kicked him away from me. "Back off and untie me," I yelled as Ivan told me to for a code. "Like that will ever happen," he sneered and pulled me into a rough kiss. I tried to get the handcuffs off or anything but to no avail. I was about to scream till I heard a loud thud. I was suddenly scared for my life.

I feel my handcuffs being opened. "Don't worry. It's me Yao-Yao," the familiar Russian accent said and untied my blindfold. I look at the now dark room, the only light coming from the moon outside. Ivan helped me up. "Are you alright," he asked worried. "I'm alright, just a little frightened," I said and looked at Ivan who helped me up. "What did you find," I asked Ivan as I looked at his hands which are empty. "Well I found clothes in the bathroom that are full of blood. There was millions of dollars in the safe in his office. Plus at his doorway there was a bat full of blood and nails. So he is guilty of all the crimes. Now to get him to headquarters."

We drove to headquarters, where we turned him in and police officers were sent to investigate the house. "So seeing that you two caught Allen red handed, you two make pretty good partners. Do you want to be partners or not," my boss and Ivan's boss asked us. Me and Ivan looked at each other, both of us nodded our heads. "Yes, we will like to be partners," I answered as Ivan smiled and nodded. "It's settled then. You guys start Monday. Have a nice weekend you two," my boss smiled and waved.

Ivan drove me home since I didn't have my car. "That's one way to start a partnership," Ivan said referring to what almost happened. I laughed. "One way or another," I sang the song lyric and Ivan laughed. "I bet it will get better," I smiled and fell asleep in the car.

I was awoken by someone lightly shaking me. "Yao-Yao, wake up. Where at your house," a soft voice said as my eyes fluttered open. I notice that it was still night and I was at my house. "Do you want some coffee maybe," I said as we climbed out the car. "Sorry, I have to be home in a few minutes to check if my sisters are alright, but I'll come over tomorrow," Ivan said as we walked to the door. "Okay, just text me when you are free, maybe we could do something," I said as we finally reached the door. "That would be nice. Good night m'lady," he said teasingly kissing my hand. I blushed and said,"Good night romantic movies." He rolled his eyes at the statement.

I opened the door and all my sibling fell to the ground. They looked up guiltily and smiled. "Hello Yao," Yong Soo said guiltily rubbing his neck as everyone stood up. Even Emil was there. I glared at them and Ivan laughed a little bit. "So how was the date," Leon said smirking slightly. "It was great. Yao-Yao is really beautiful right," Ivan smiled and gestured to me. "You guys act like my parents," Emil sighed smiling slightly. I blushed at what Ivan said. Does he really mean it...

"Bye bye, I'll text you once I get home," Ivan waved as he turned around and started walked towards his car. "Bye big brother-in-law," Yong Soo and Kiku shouted making me blush and Ivan stop in his tracks. "Bye bye," Ivan turned around waving before walking to his car and driving off. "You two make such a cute couple," Kiku said and sat down next me on the couch.

"Shut up..." >\\\\<

Helloo Two chapters in a night, wow. Anyway hope you liked it. If you want anything to happen tell me and I'll put it in. Sorry for the terrible smut in this😫😫 (First time writing it). Till next time

Bye bye

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