Please don't leave me!!!

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Hellooo Two more chapter (Including this one) then this book is over. This may be short, but the next one is definitely longer. Hope you enjoy!

Yao's POV

I woke up and all I see is white. Literally white everywhere. Where am I? As I try to sit up I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked at my body wondering why there was the sudden pain. I suddenly remember everything that happened. Ivan... Where is Ivan? I looked around still only seeing white. I sighed giving up. I sat down, my knees to my chest and my head in my knees

I will never see Ivan again, will I. I never even got to tell him how I feel. I never got to say, 'I love you'. I never told my siblings how much I love and care for them. I never visited my mom or my dad after all of us moved out. I never... I never got my chance at a love relationship.

"In stead of thinking what you never did, start thinking about what you did do," a deep voice sounded, though I didn't recognize it. Suddenly the white surrounding turned to all kinds of color. I sat in an unrecognizable field full of flowers all different colors. I look around trying to recognize where I am. It suddenly struck me. The day I confessed my love for Roma.

I look at the tree and the people under it aka Roma and I. I hear Roma telling the funny story he always does. He and the past me laughed. I smiled. "Uhm... Roma I want to tell you something," I shyly whispered him still hearing me. "What is it Yao?" Roma asked and putting a strand of my hair, that got loose, behind my ear.

"Well uhh Roma I uhh I like you. And not as a friend, but as something more like a..." I left the sentence unfinished. "Like a lover," he finished sentence for me. "Yeah..." I nodded my head confirming what he said was true. "I'm sorry Yao... I don't feel the same. I like someone else. I'm so sorry," Roma apologized. I felt past me's heart break. "Oh. Never mind. Don't worry about it. I'll be alright. We can still be friends right," I whispered wanting to cry, but a smile played at my lips. "Sure!" I cry as I remember that.

The surrounding change again this time I'm in an office. I remember this day, the day I met Ivan. "The day you met Ivan Braginsky was by far the best change of your life," the deep voice spoke again. I see past me running in late. Instead of hearing my own thoughts, I heard Ivan's. Is this my new spy partner. Ohh he's so cute. Is it a he? Will it be offensive to ask? I kept hearing Ivan's thoughts blushing whenever he called me cute and adorable. The surroundings turn white again as the day ended.

"Both of those events made you part of who you are now. Back then you were shy and only had few friends. Even though Roma rejected you he still showed you how to be... Human. With Ivan you met the love of your life, your soulmate. For the first time in forever you felt safe, loved and calm in someone's presence. The both of them as well as a lot of other people shaped you into the person you are today. Please go back to them and say thanks for everything," the voice spoke.

I looked for the location of the voice. I find nothing. Till I see a figure in the distance. I walked closer to the figure and immediately recognize the long coat and scarf. The snowy hair and violet eyes. I run to the figure and hugged him tightly. "Ivan I'm so glad to see you," I cheered in excitement.

Ivan turned in my grip and broke the hug. "Yao listen to me," Ivan demanded and I did as asked. "Yao see that bright light over there," he pointed to an even brighter white. I felt so attracted to it. Like it lured me in. "Yeah," I answered still entranced by the bright light. "Don't go near it. If you succumb to the temptation to go in there you will die and never see the real me again," he instructed as the last sentence caught my attention. I get to see Ivan again.

"Now listen closely. In a few minutes a few keys and one door will appear you have 5 minutes to find the right key and get out. Else you will still be in a coma for a day," he instructed again and I looked at him surprised. "Wait how long have I been in a coma?" I asked surprise. "Three months," he replied looking down sadly. My eyes grew wider if that was even possible. "Everyone is worried sick. The real me does his work in the hospital and rarely ever sleeps or eats. So I'm here to help," he explained and I started feeling guilty. "I got it find the right key get out. Don't go into the light," I said quickly. Ivan nodded and disappeared.

I sank to my knees and cried. If I don't do this I don't get to see my sibling, my family and most importantly I never get to see Ivan again. A table appeared with ten keys on it and a door next to it. I timer was above the door. I quickly take one key, doesn't work and so on. I tried four keys and I only have ten seconds left. I quickly grab a random one and try to open the door.


C'mon. C'mon please work!


Oh no is this the wrong key


No no no no no


Yes! This is the right key


I step through the door just in time. I open my eyes slowly trying to adjust to the light. Once I did I looked around and saw it was dark, outside at least. I see no sign of my siblings. They are probably at home studying, playing video games or whatever. I see Ivan asleep, laptop on lap and holding my hand. I smiled slightly. I'm going to let him rest. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless slumber.

The next morning I woke up, because of Ivan talking to me. "Please wake up Yao. I miss you so much. I love you," I listened closely and was surprised at the last sentence. I hear his footsteps as he was about to walk away, probably to get breakfast. I opened my eyes and grabbed his hand. He immediately turns around and looks at me surprised. "I'm back Ivan," I smiled as I see tears rolling down his face. He immediately hugs me tightly. "Oh Yao. You gave me a heart attack. I love you so much," he confessed his feelings hugging me tighter. "I love you too Ivan," I smiled also hugging just as tight. We stayed like that for who cares how long me listening to his heartbeat and he was playing with my hair that was not in a ponytail anymore.

The doctors came in and said I could go home, I just need to take care of the wound and stitches. Ivan said we're going to take turns till the wound heals, I stay with him, the next day he stays with me and so on. Since it was school we wanted to surprise my siblings. We bought a cake and got balloons and everything. Once they got home they were overwhelmed and excited. They told me what happened over the last few months. Apparently I need a new pan cause Yong Soo burned a hole in the other one. After the party we all went to bed.

Ivan cleaned the wound and bandaged it again. "Don't ever be so reckless again," Ivan sighed sadly and guiltily. "I won't," I promised. "It's all my fault that you could've lost your life," he sniffled slightly. I look down at him and see he was slightly crying. "Don't say that. It wasn't your fault," I wiped away his tears. He held my hand that was on his cheek. Once we were done we stood up and went to bed.

I climbed in first and then Ivan. Ivan immediately pulled me closer so we were cuddling. I accepted this and hugged him tightly, him hugging back. I closed my eyes as Ivan listened to my heartbeat probably trying to reassure himself that this is real and I'm alive.

"I love you Ivan."

"I love you too Yao-Yao."

Helloooo Hope this wasn't too confusing. Hope you enjoyed. Bye bye

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