Finding the lost girl

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Helloo I'm really excited for the last few chapters. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Yao's POV

I was woken up by a knock on my bedroom door. "Yao! Ivan is here to take you the airport!" Kiku yelled from the outside of the door. "Oh no!" I immediately brush my teeth get in comfortable clothes and brush my hair, all in five minutes. I went downstairs to be greeted by my siblings laughing their asses off. "What is it? Where's Ivan?" I asked looking around. "Tricked ya! He won't be here for another hour," Yong Soo explained and laughed. I stared at him in shock. "First off how dare you. Second of all I'm going back to sleep," I stated angrily and flopped down on the couch. Soon I fell asleep.

I was woken up an hour later by Ivan saying we need to go. I quickly texted Francis and he replied with a thumbs up emoji. Ivan and I drove to the airport making small talk, but otherwise it was fairly silent.

We finally made it to the airport after about a half an hour of traffic. He parked the car close to the entrance and looked at me seriously. "Yao, please promise me you will be safe and not reckless," his voice filled with worry and concern said. "I promise. Don't worry, I'll come back safe and sound," I promised holding up my pinkie. He smiled and did the same. "Alright be safe," he said his final goodbye and kissed my cheek.

"Has anyone ever told you, you have weak aim," I giggled at him. "No, because I always get it right on the second try," he tried to flirt and gently brushed his lips against mine. "Alright thank you bye bye," I quickly got my stuff and climbed out the car. I hope Ivan didn't see my blush. He waved as he drove off. I entered the airport my cheeks still a rosy color. I saw Francis waiting for me.

I quickly walk over to him as he noticed me and waved. "Hey Yao. Why are your cheeks red? Are you okay?" He asked making me blush more. "It's nothing don't worry," I assured him smiling. We got on our plane and flied to Amsterdam. Unlike with Ivan and I there wasn't silence. Francis kept talking and flirting(not with me, but with the flight attendant). We finally made it to Amsterdam after a long and torturous ride.

We immediately go to the brother's house. Once we got there, Francis introduced us and we asked some questions like, 'Does she go missing a lot', How old is she', 'Does anyone have a reason to hurt her,' and so on. He answered them all honestly.

"When did you last see her or hear from her?" Francis asked writing everything down as fast as possible. "She was coming to visit me. She called me a few kilometers from here saying she is on her way, she will buy us food. She asked what I wanted then I heard her scream and the call ended," he explained.

"Okay. Did you notice anything off about  the conversation?" I asked as I wrote everything down as well. "In the ending, I heard a voice, one that I'm not familiar with. It sounded girlish and Italian," he thought back to the call before answering. "Thank you Ned. We will bring back your sister safely," Francis assured. 'Ned' nodded and showed us to the door.

"Let's go get lunch before we continue. I'm starving," Francis suggested. I was also starving so I nodded. We went to the closest mall and sat down at a restaurant. We made small talk, nothing much. Talked about the information we got, our lives, what happened after our last mission together.

"Yao can I ask you a personal question," he asked politely. I hummed in response signaling he can ask the question. "Do you love or at least like-like Ivan," he asked as I choked on my drink. "What! Why would you think that," I tried to cover up my feelings. "You two seem pretty close. Plus your always together or sit close to each other. So I was just asking. Plus you would make a good couple," he answered honestly. I sighed debating whether or not I should tell him about my crush. I decided I will tell him, since he won't say anything.

"Fine, I do have a tiny crush on Ivan. So what," I mumbled so only he could hear it. "That's good. He obviously likes you back so just ask him out or tell him how you feel," Francis advised. I pouted. "Like I'll ever do that," I muttered. "Okay, but..." I put a finger on his mouth once I heard a conversation the table next to us are having.

"So you got her."

"Yip, now to get her into her outfit."

"What technic should we use this time."

"What about we stab her in the heart to symbolize her broken heart and let her wear a white dress with red roses in her hand."

"That could work."

"What?" Francis asked lifting my hand away from his so called 'beautiful' face. "Shh shut up," I shushed him again. I got out my phone and started recording the two blondes conversation.

One had shoulder length hair and has a French accent with a purple shirt on, anyone could easily mistake this guy and Francis being twins. The other had blonde hair with pink sunglasses on. A red scarf was wrapped around his neck even on this hot day with an obnoxious curl. He had an Italian accent so I wondered if he was the guy we were after.

Once they left I told Francis. "We have to go to the brother's house again. I have to ask him something," I demanded and Francis nodded. We walked to the house and we knocked on the door. Ned opened and immediately let us in. "Did you find her," he immediately asked. "Not yet. I want you to listen to this video. Listen to the guy with the Italian accent. Is it the same voice as in the call," I instructed him.

He listened to the video and nodded. "That's definitely the voice I heard," he nodded. "I put a tracking device in his jeans when he passed us on the way out," I explained showing them a map of Amsterdam, a red dot labeled 'Tracking device location' was peeping and flickering. "They are going to the Old warehouse in this street. I think that is where she is being held. We can get there before they can," I explained pointing to how close we are to the abandoned warehouse. "Alright let's go," Francis usually cheerfully demanded as we got in the car and drive to the warehouse.

Once we got there we realized no one was there. Turns out they made a wrong turn into traffic. We looked around the old, dusty and abandoned warehouse in search of the girl who her brother called Jacqi. We found a basement and immediately checked that out. She was there. "Francis take her to the car, make sure she's sa-" I wanted to say but was cut off by an obnoxious laugh.

"Did you think you can take our beautiful masterpiece and get away with it," the Italian accent spoke it's eerily cheery voice. The girl started crying and screaming into the duck tape on her mouth. The other blonde appeared out of the shadows, cigarette in mouth. "Take the Italian, I'll take the other one," Francis ordered getting out his knife. We started fighting and soon we were the winners. The two were passed out. We called the police and gave them the location as well as evidence.

I pulled off the duck tape and untied her hands. She hugged me almost immediately and started crying in my shoulder. Francis took her and comforted her by rubbing circles on her back in a soothing motion. We drove to Ned's house and returned her to him. He thanked us and told Francis (who was carrying her sleeping body) to put her in her room.

He came back soon after and Ned said his thanks. We drove to the hotel we were staying in and both of us passed out on the bed. After... Francis cleaned a cut on my cheek. Ivan is going to kill me.

We flied back to America the next morning. Ivan gladly picked me up from the airport. First he checked for any scratch and noticed the big cut on my cheek. He scolded me, but offered to buy me lunch, because he said I deserved it.

Once I got home after Ivan treating me the rest of the day I was greeted by my siblings who engulfed me in a hug. I hugged them back. Ivan asked if he could stay the night so he did. Because we don't have a guest room Ivan slept with me in my room.

He helped me pack all my stuff out and back where it belongs. We cuddled up against each other and soon fell asleep in the comfort and safety we found in each other's arms. One thought rang in my head before I fell asleep

I love this man...

Unknown POV

The plans are all set. Now I just need a victim to lure them in. I got it. I'm coming for you Ivan. And I'm coming after your new lover as well. I'll make sure, you hurt just as much as I did on that faithful day...

Hellooo Hope you enjoyed and will enjoy the last few chapters. Goodnight/Good day to everyone. Bye bye

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